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R1 start wire
CosKev3 - 21/10/14 at 09:57 AM

My R1 eng start wire needs -12v to start the engine, I want to use the sierra ign barrel to start the engine.
Am I right in thinking to do this, as the start position of sierra barrel puts out a +12v, I need to wire in a relay that will switch on the required -12v to start eng?

Or any other way easier I'm over looking?


owelly - 21/10/14 at 10:38 AM

-12v? How will you find that?

Johneturbo - 21/10/14 at 10:56 AM

I though the R1 was just a wire to ground to start it blue/white if memory is correct

Barkalarr - 21/10/14 at 11:42 AM

I did exactly this on my R1 engine and sierra ignition barrel.

The start button on the R1 loom just makes a circuit. Nothing else.

All I did was wire in a relay which just made a circuit when I turned the key, thus simulating the start button being pushed.

This was the diagram I used:


adithorp - 21/10/14 at 12:24 PM

The R1 start is triggered by earthing the start wire (blue from memory). I'm guessing by "-12v" you mean earth.

To use the sierra ingnition barrel wire that to trigger a relay that switches to earth as you described.

CosKev3 - 21/10/14 at 03:01 PM

Yeah that whats I meant!

Cheers for confirming.

Originally posted by owelly
-12v? How will you find that?

Thanks for your helpful input, always one cocky knob ain't there...........