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Foglight wiring for IVA compliance.
stevegough - 20/11/10 at 07:20 PM

Rear Foglight. The IVA states that the foglight should only be enabled with main beam and dip beam - NOT side or position lights.

I bought my loom from premier wiring two years ago when I started my build - at the time the SVA was in force, and that allowed the fog to be on with position lights as well.

Ok, so after much head scratching, I rang a very helpful Alan and he told me I needed to fit a relay. He described the circuit to me in great detail, and I followed his instructions - took me a while because I had to remove the dash and uncover the control column.

BUT - Success! It worked! Therefore, I have drawn the mini-circuit and do hereby donate such knowledge to you....

One further point - Alan says that the looms he is making now incorporate this mod, so hopefully most of you won't need to go through this......


bj928 - 20/11/10 at 07:34 PM

i'm sure 86 or 30 should be an earth, not both perminant feed, it might work but i'm sure thats not right, i think the way your doing it, you could take off 86 and 30 and it would still work, so your not using the relay as a relay, your using the switch as a relay and when switched it make the relay work but in the wrong way, but still makes the feed work. someone may know more than me though

should be like this

[Edited on 20/11/10 by bj928]

[Edited on 20/11/10 by bj928]

austin man - 20/11/10 at 07:37 PM

Probably depend on the sierra column switch there are 2 different types I believe

stevegough - 20/11/10 at 07:45 PM

My column switch is the 90BG, which uses switched earth. - The earlier 83BG used switched live. The 'usual denotions' applied to the relay here (which were another spare one left over from the Sierra stip out) don't apply. Alan at premier is the expert, and that is exactly how he told me to wire it. - the proof of the pudding is in the eating - and this works!
Anyway, BJ - thought you were very busy driving truckkies around yanks-ville?

bj928 - 20/11/10 at 07:54 PM

i am busy driving big rigs in America, but day off today, and researching viper engine replacement, viper engine not powerfull enough!!!!

Dusty - 20/11/10 at 10:34 PM

This came up on Rhocar last year, gave the same solution.

Rhocar linky

bj928 - 21/11/10 at 04:45 AM

take off 86 and or 30 and see if it still works, i think it will which means the relay isn't working as the relay, the switch is acting as the relay. if 86 or 30 is and earth and you have just drawn it wrong then it may be working fine, but the way i see it when you flick the switch it makes the other 2 contact drigger the relay and link 86 and 30 together which just loops the perminent feed round on its self, and that could be vary dangerous and cause a melt down if it somehow finds an earth to use!!!

stevegough - 21/11/10 at 09:24 AM

I haven't drawn it wrong!

The electro-magnetic coil runs from 86 to 85.
When you switch on the foglight switch, the current flows through the coil, the foglight switch and through the lighting switch ('headlights on') and to earth.
The coil being energised connects the +ve at 30 to 87. This feeds power to the light (and the telltale neon).

It works fine.
Trust Alan at premier wiring. He knows his stuff.

Also - I have just lifted this from the RHOCAR site (courtesy of Dusty):....

"Posted 02 June 2009 - 12:11 PM
If using the later sierra stalks you could add a relay which is earthed through your illuminated fog light switch to connection 56 on either of the stalks. Constant fused supply to terminals 86 and 30 on the relay. 85 connected to your fog light switch and then to 56. 87 on the relay connected to the fog light itself and you could tee off this to a dash telltale if your switch hasn't got one.
This is just one option using a relay. Pic below.

Nigel "

Which is exactly the same.

Regards, Steve

[Edited on 21/11/10 by stevegough]