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what glue for magnets on prop?
Dangle_kt - 8/2/09 at 05:31 PM

Hi Everyone,

I need to get my hands on some very high quality dual compound glue capable of securing magnets properly.

Don't mind if it isn't cheap - I just want good stuff that won't loose the magnets on the drive to the SVA centre!

cloudy - 8/2/09 at 05:32 PM

I used this.....


[Edited on 8/2/09 by cloudy]

mookaloid - 8/2/09 at 05:41 PM

I centre popped the prop for the magnet centres and filed some flats.

then araldited the magnets in place and covered them over with a thin coat.

They never fell off whilst I had the car

Danozeman - 8/2/09 at 05:51 PM

I used aralditey type stuff for mine. Put plenty on, ts still on there.

coozer - 8/2/09 at 06:03 PM

I filed a flat on th uj prop and alradite. Has doen 900 miles now and survived a crash!

twybrow - 8/2/09 at 06:17 PM

Another vote for epoxy metal reapir stuff. I have then wrapped over the top with gaffer tape (highly structual you understand....!).

Mark G - 8/2/09 at 07:12 PM

I used THIS STUFF Seems to be ok but haven't driven the car yet so can't comment on if its up to the job though.

andkilde - 8/2/09 at 07:14 PM

My vote is for clear silicone -- make sure everything is scrupulously clean, wind a few turns of fiberglass packing tape around afterward -- makes a nice resiliant bond, they get knocked off after a few rallies but I imagine they'd last forever on a seven.

Cheers, Ted

marmot0 - 8/2/09 at 07:54 PM

The diff output spins alot slower than the prop, Thats where mine are

mad-butcher - 10/2/09 at 07:17 PM

I used the old style araldite (takes 24hrs to set Rescued attachment speedo pickup mount.jpg
Rescued attachment speedo pickup mount.jpg

DarrenW - 12/2/09 at 10:52 PM

I couldnt get araldite to hold for mor ethan 1500 miles. Might have been due to gearbox oil leak degrading it.

ETB did recommend an adhesive they use (i posted details yonks ago - worth a search) but it isnt cheap. They also recommended drilling a shallow blind hole in prop flange just slightly larger diameter than the magnets such that they will be about 1 or 2mm proud, then add adhesive.

I ended up using JB weld, with a thin smear over the top and they have been fine for a few thousand since.

wilkingj - 13/2/09 at 02:14 PM

The key is to get a good keyed surface, and then chemically clean as well before you glue either the magnet or the bit you are glueing it onto.

The slighest bit of oil, grease, or crud, and its likely to fall off later on... Usually just as you arrive at the SVA depot

Good and careful preparation in any aspect will pay you dividends.