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Megajolt wiring help
snapper - 8/2/09 at 01:48 PM

To try and solve some ignition problems i have embarked on wiring a complete plug and play Megajolt unit with EDIS, coil pack etc, literally a complete ignition system that will totaly replace the Megajolt already in the car.
I know that the Megajolt needs a 7.5 Amp fuse but does the EDIS need one? if so what Amp? and does the Fiesta Coil pack need a fuse? if so what Amps.
From the diagram attached where should the fuses go? Rescued attachment mjlj_v3_wiring diag pinto TPS.gif
Rescued attachment mjlj_v3_wiring diag pinto TPS.gif

David Jenkins - 8/2/09 at 02:18 PM

15A fuse to EDIS and coil pack.
5A (or even 3A) fuse to the MJ itself.

(as recommended on the Megajolt site)