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Dales Run, Open Day and Camping weekend.
Robert Ryan - 21/7/08 at 07:56 PM

Just a few lines to say thanks to all for making this a great weekend. I have posted a couple of picks, One for vince as we know you loved the entertainment, One pic of us just crash tested the MNR. (IT PASSED) and a couple of people just enjoying life.

Video link

[Edited on 22/7/08 by Robert Ryan] Rescued attachment image001.jpg
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Robert Ryan - 21/7/08 at 07:57 PM

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Robert Ryan - 21/7/08 at 07:59 PM

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Robert Ryan - 21/7/08 at 07:59 PM


[Edited on 21/7/08 by Robert Ryan] Rescued attachment image001.jpg
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Robert Ryan - 21/7/08 at 08:09 PM

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Robert Ryan - 21/7/08 at 08:10 PM

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Rescued attachment RED CAR.JPG

adithorp - 21/7/08 at 08:11 PM

Looks like you came a long way across that field.


Robert Ryan - 21/7/08 at 08:11 PM

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scoey m - 21/7/08 at 08:11 PM

What a fantastic weekend
some quality people there and really good to put some faces to names,

how is cranky good to meet him

Really enjoyed it and maybe 2 per year could be good

Big Thanks To Rob For The Organisation Of This event


Cheers Martin

TimC - 21/7/08 at 08:28 PM

Originally posted by Robert Ryan

Nooooo! What happened?

vinny1275 - 21/7/08 at 08:28 PM

Thanks again for organising the weekend Rob, d'you reckon we can get the same singer again next year?

And next year we'll have Ruby there, honest!!

Always good to put faces to names, and we'll order the sunshine for the next one (apparently it was lovely in Swindon all weekend)...



Robert Ryan - 21/7/08 at 08:37 PM

Vince, I know you realy enjoyed the show so, I have booked him for your next birthday, christmas and works do.

Infact I think he may be moving down to swindon save on travel time. Rescued attachment RIVERSIDE 1.JPG
Rescued attachment RIVERSIDE 1.JPG

amalyos - 21/7/08 at 08:38 PM

Had a great weekend, thanks to Rob for organising it.
Good company, plenty of drink, great roads.
There was even BINGO
Must remember to pack my Dobber next time.

See you all soon


MNR's optional Weather gear was on show as well. Rescued attachment Weather gear.JPG
Rescued attachment Weather gear.JPG

Robert Ryan - 21/7/08 at 08:47 PM

Any more pic of the weekend anyone?

[Edited on 21/7/08 by Robert Ryan] Rescued attachment Untitled-9.JPG
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coozer - 21/7/08 at 09:00 PM

As I wasn't allowed to camp due her in doors working nights I was only able to join on the Sunday so thanks again to all I met and sorry to have missed those of you who went home early on the Sunday.
As I didn't expect to get my reg until later this week it was a bonus for me and I only managed to get the camera out a couple times I was that excited to be canning K3 for the first time!
Heres mine:

Looking forward to the next one

skippad - 21/7/08 at 09:08 PM

Some nice pictures there Steve...that last picture was a bit of a shock....did'nt realise i had bald patch!

Anyway thanks to Rob for arranging weekend (Mark's even got camera footage of him going fast!)

coozer - 21/7/08 at 09:18 PM

Looking forward to Mark's footage as well

Robert Ryan - 21/7/08 at 09:21 PM

Mark is posting the video now.
It will be on anytime soon. Rescued attachment image001.jpg
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GeorgeM - 21/7/08 at 10:32 PM

Hi all,

been a bit manic today, but will try to get some
pics uploaded tomorrow.

Great weekend, and company. Well done Rob
for organizing. Mr cranky really did take some

Vince, kermit will be there next time as well
Big thanx to Steve for the ride.
Good to see everyones hard work looking so good.


Kriss - 22/7/08 at 11:19 AM

Wow - looks a great trip and the cars look super all together. very tidy!

can anyone explain the offroad MNR?

Was it a whoopsie or what? Hope no one was hurt and the car is ok

Robert Ryan - 22/7/08 at 06:31 PM

5 miles into the run he hit a gravel patch on a bend, nothing he could do but hold on. The car passed the crash test and the driver walked away. Before the crash it was one of the MNR show cars,
( stunning car ) Rescued attachment RED CAR.JPG
Rescued attachment RED CAR.JPG

Robert Ryan - 22/7/08 at 08:02 PM

Video link from the dales run.

GregMcN - 22/7/08 at 09:41 PM

Thanks to Rob from us as well and should also mention Lee who provided BBQ etc.

Greg & Gill

ps The weekend clearly proved that the old style nosecone cars go round corners better!
MNRs camping back
MNRs camping back

GregMcN - 22/7/08 at 09:45 PM

Another piccy

MNRs camping
MNRs camping

vinny1275 - 23/7/08 at 07:22 AM

Originally posted by Robert Ryan
Video link from the dales run.

Did anyone else get the feeling that his widescreen camera was turned on its side? Defo be there with Ruby next time out