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Bonnet cutout
coozer - 18/3/08 at 01:48 PM

I've cut the hole in the bonnet side for the exhaust to poke through and due to the rigidity of being lost the bonnet edges 'hang' over the sides of the body.
Anyone else encountered this and have a solution??
Steve Rescued attachment Exhaust exit.jpg
Rescued attachment Exhaust exit.jpg

fesycresy - 18/3/08 at 01:51 PM

Grip Fill ?

No seriously, perhaps a locating pin protruding up from the chassis to locate the bonnet ?

dan__wright - 18/3/08 at 01:53 PM

fit a bike engine so they come out of the side panel.

you could put some kind of ali surround but your not going to be able to make it that solid, other thing would be to add some braces from edge to the top of the bonnet so its triangulated, i had the same problem on my dash.

mookaloid - 18/3/08 at 01:54 PM

I used a locating pin loctited into a rivnut in the chassis as in photo below if you can see it in the pic below:

Pinto exhaust
Pinto exhaust

worX - 18/3/08 at 02:14 PM

I would of thought that your bonnet catches would of pulled that back in line, but if not then the rivnutted in stud would be the best bet, only I'd put a piece of tight fitting hose round it so it didn't continually vibrate and "work" the hole larger and larger...

You could also Bond into place a couple of Ali spars, on the Inside of the bonnet, to maintain the shape of the bonnet. 2mm thick should be enough to aid the bonnet catches do their job!


[Edited on 18/3/08 by worX]

iscmatt - 18/3/08 at 02:15 PM

i have this problem too but couldn't think of a reasonable way of solving it, i think the locating pin is a great idea, i will put one in this weekend

worX - 18/3/08 at 02:18 PM

I also think that your cutout might be a little bit too good!!!
It's awfully close to your exhaust and unless you are going to put a surround, it will either melt it or at least dis-colour it I reckon...


matt_claydon - 18/3/08 at 02:44 PM

I did the locating pin (bolt with head removed and ground to a point). in a rivnut thing too, works a treat.

coozer - 18/3/08 at 04:10 PM

Originally posted by worX
I also think that your cutout might be a little bit too good!!!
It's awfully close to your exhaust and unless you are going to put a surround, it will either melt it or at least dis-colour it I reckon...


I spent ages with the Dremel trimming a little bit at a time to get it looking good

I fancy a nice carbon fibre trim to go round it but thats for after SVA!

Thanks for all the suggestions, apart from the BEC idea that is. Bike engines are too flimsy for me...

I was thinking about the pin idea so may give it a go. Just need to get under the bonnet to line the holes up

[Edited on 18/3/08 by coozer]

matt_claydon - 18/3/08 at 04:37 PM

Originally posted by coozer
Thanks for all the suggestions, I was thinking about the pin idea so may give it a go. Just need to get under the bonnet to line the holes up

Put the pin in the side rail first, then put the bonnet on and allow the pin to make a scratch, then you'll know where to drill the bonnet. Use this to get the longitudinal position but measure the distance in from the edge to make sure you get the bonnet and side panel to line up perfectly.

DarrenW - 18/3/08 at 04:54 PM

One of my SVA fail points was the cut out too close to the exhaust manifold. Mine was about the same as yours Steve originally.

donut - 18/3/08 at 04:56 PM

Once you put the bonnet catches on most of it lines up. The pin idea is a good one which i used on both my cars.

neilj37 - 18/3/08 at 08:19 PM

i have uploaded a picture to my photo archive which shows the cut out on my bonnet. Dion also fitted some velcro along bonnet to stop the edges flaring out

[Edited on 18/3/08 by neilj37]

numnuts - 19/3/08 at 08:13 PM

Sorry for the hijack but how is the car doing Neil?

neilj37 - 20/3/08 at 05:31 PM

Car is going great although it has developed an intermitant squeek and i can't for the life of me work out where it coming from. Only occurs when I am driving and it comes and goes.

Still looking after it as instructed. It lives in a heated garage with a soft cotton cover for protection

I am also just in the process of making a cover to put over the cockpit for when it is parked up outside to stop any dirt/rain getting in and stop people being noisy. Trying to do it so i don't have to add poppers to the body work.

Any projects Dion ??

[Edited on 20/3/08 by neilj37]