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Drillling correctly aligned holes for steering column.
TimC - 2/7/07 at 08:03 AM


I wonder if anyone has tips for getting the alignment of two holes (One in dash, one in scuttle when fitting the steering column? The flowing curves of the MNR piece make it more difficult than most I reckon.

I'm keen to just use a hole saw rather than cut slots - which would be a lot less trouble.

I guess I should wait to get the tub on so I can see exactly where the scuttle panel would fit?

It's a bit frustrating as I cant fit my digi dash until I can see what my line of sight is through the wheel.



smart51 - 2/7/07 at 09:12 AM

Cut a slot in the back of the scuttle. That way, if you need to remove the scuttle, and you will eventually, you don't have to remove the steering column first.

I did mine by sitting the scuttle on the column and marking it, then remove more and more with a dremmel sanding tool till ithad enough clearance.

Howlor - 2/7/07 at 09:28 AM

You can however get away with a slot at the bonnet end and a hole at the cockpit end. My hole was about 25mm from the lower edge of the dash and central to the seating position.

You can then remove the steering wheel and slide off the scuttle over the column.


TimC - 2/7/07 at 09:46 AM

I do take your points. However, if I were to need to take the scuttle off, then the job would be so majorly huge (i.e. the problem beneath the scuttle is a monster anyway) that removing the steering column would be the least of my worries.

Therefore, in the interest of neatness, I'd like to do it with two holes. Anyone done this?

Howlor - 2/7/07 at 10:01 AM

My scuttle came off in 5 mins flat. 4 dome head bolts holding it down on the inner flanges, then 3 multi plugs to connect dash and switches etc.

I just covered my slot with a carbon cover. Rescued attachment Ad engine 2.jpg
Rescued attachment Ad engine 2.jpg

amalyos - 2/7/07 at 10:06 AM

I started with a hole, but quickly ended up with a slot, as it was a pain in the a*se taking the scuttle on and off.
My scuttle comes off with just 4 screws as well.


worX - 2/7/07 at 10:16 AM

I'd be cutting a slot int he scuttle side of it too I'm afraid Matt!


Dillinger1977 - 2/7/07 at 11:31 AM

yer all wimps

it was a long time ago ( ) but this is what I did..

lots and lots of measuring and angles.

worX - 2/7/07 at 03:28 PM

If yours is the same height as Rog's then I would definitely drill it, mine was a lot lower so there was no point...

road warrior - 3/7/07 at 01:01 PM

Hi Tim

Do this as per the post by Dillinger1977. But fit the tub first so you know exactly where the scuttle will sit. Take your time, you only get one go at this type of stuff.


TimC - 3/7/07 at 02:01 PM

Cheers Rog & Sonja.

Steve (Worx) - who the hell is Matt?

worX - 5/7/07 at 06:08 AM

Sorry Tim,

I must be losing the plot somewhere!!!


chockymonster - 5/7/07 at 08:10 AM


are you using the sierra column shroud?

When I did the one under the bonnet I then made a CF blanking plate to make the hole look tidier, that's mainly because every bloody hole I cut always went wrong even though it was measured twice and cut once (and then fettled to make it actually fit)