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Vortx - SVA Date
chockymonster - 8/12/06 at 11:01 AM


Just had a phone call from the nice people at VOSA Southampton.

Tuesday the 19th of December is the day of my test!

I'm now running around in a blind panic!

Can I have some advice please!!

Howlor - 8/12/06 at 11:10 AM

Don't panic!

fesycresy - 8/12/06 at 11:14 AM

Don't eat yellow snow.

marc n - 8/12/06 at 11:14 AM


Don't eat yellow snow

chockymonster - 8/12/06 at 11:25 AM

Originally posted by Howlor
Don't panic!

I figure that the worst that can happen is it costs me £30 for a retest

smart51 - 8/12/06 at 11:26 AM

Put photos of your car on here and ask for SVA advice. People will spot things that aren't properly covered / atrached / positioned.

Take tools, nylocs, cable ties, nut covers, threadlock, sprung washers, electricians tape, a file! etc in case you fail on minor things that can be rectified on site.

Agriv8 - 8/12/06 at 11:43 AM

Have a cup of tea or a can of beer and complement yourself on completing the build and getting to this stage !!

now we are calm you have built the car so all you need to do is make any 'Minor adjustments ' to satisfy the SVA man.

As stated above Picturs so Other locosters can spot area's that may cause the SVA man to have issues.

The main one get your emisions sorted have you the MNR cat / bumpers ? and a good rolling road down there.

Go with an open mind that you have given yourself the best chance of a MAC certificate but if it dosent its £30 for another Go.

Dont P*ss of your SVA man off as you will loose ! hopefully you wil get an SVA tested who is helpfull makes the whole process a little easier.



[Edited on 8/12/06 by Agriv8]

chockymonster - 8/12/06 at 11:48 AM

I've already started building up a box of SVA bits.

Double sided tape, trim, spec sheets, samples of hose used etc etc!

I'll get some pictures posted at the weekend, I haven't fitted the front indicators yet as I don't have the mounting bars.

chockymonster - 8/12/06 at 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Agriv8
Dont P*ss of your SVA man off as you will loose ! hopefully you wil get an SVA tested who is helpfull makes the whole process a little easier.
[Edited on 8/12/06 by Agriv8]

I'm approaching this in the mindset that I've done my best, there will be bits I've missed and it's his job to point them out. I just have to hope that the guys at southampton are reasonable!

Peteff - 8/12/06 at 02:03 PM

Buy this

and read it a page a day.

stevec - 8/12/06 at 03:58 PM

It helps to panic a bit.
Attention to detail is the thing, make sure all your paperwork is complete and in order.
Spend time going over everything you have done.
Remember the testers are not Numpty's they are clever blokes and have seen and heard every bulls**t trick and excuse in the book.
My tester said they can spot a good un as they are walking to it from the office.
I reckon that if you drive it there and have no major problems that impresses them too.
Try and take a mate to administer tranquilizers to you and helpout with things.
Above all try and enjoy it.
Good luck.

chockymonster - 8/12/06 at 08:34 PM

Originally posted by stevec
Attention to detail is the thing, make sure all your paperwork is complete and in order.

Erm, paperwork?
SVA stuff went to VOSA, everything else is with DVLA in reading who won't do anything with it until I have a MAC

Originally posted by stevec
Try and take a mate to administer tranquilizers to you and helpout with things.
Above all try and enjoy it.
Good luck.

I've got my Dad going with me, which is a big relief. If he can't find a way around something then I'm really stuck!

RichieC - 19/12/06 at 05:45 PM

Any news mate?



scoey m - 19/12/06 at 06:09 PM

Come on spill the beans how did you go on
I hope you got a pass paul

chockymonster - 19/12/06 at 08:43 PM

Nope, it was a fail.

SVA was at Southampton. Now these guys have a rep for being very iffy about stuff and they are aware of it, but I only have the highest amount of praise for my tester. He was very fair and did his best to help me get the car through. We spent an hour trying to get the mirrors through the field of view test but failed. I used one of the sets from the loan batch but couldn't get the passenger side mirror right so I need to find a mirror to pass.

Emissions were an issue too, but nothing I can't sort with access to a gas analyser.

I have a number of radius bits to sort, all straight forward. The only major bone of contention is he is unhappy with the upper seatbelt mounting method. He didn't feel that the tube and weld would support the sheer stress in an accident. I've spoken to Marc to see if they have any data I can use to prove it but they don't at the moment. He's given me some ideas so I need to call the guy tomorrow to see what he thinks of the ideas.

The plus point is I'll need to drive back down there for the retest and to the MOT station for the emissions setting

zxrlocost - 19/12/06 at 10:23 PM

what year engine is it and what CAT are you running

chockymonster - 20/12/06 at 07:01 AM

2003 R1 with a cat before the silencer. It's a car cat but the maps I had were too lean and at that point they only gave me 3 attempts

Agriv8 - 20/12/06 at 08:10 AM

Paul is it southampton that questioned the Lightweight RH ?

as you say everything can be sorted
Let us know the outcome of the conversation about the upper harness bosses.

Sounds like you struck up a good rapour with the tester they are only doing there job at the end of the day and they have to follow the rules however stupid they may be.



zxrlocost - 20/12/06 at 09:21 AM

your car before the silencer on its own may not be powerful enough

youll need one in the can aswell

thats a might

chockymonster - 20/12/06 at 02:39 PM

Yes, it was southampton that failed the lightweight.

I've asked if they'll let me drill through the mount and then bolt up from the underneath but they've said no. The only way they'll allow them unbraced is if I reduce the height of the supports and then provide evidence the seats can take the weight!

What is planned is a bracket that goes from the top of the seatbelt mounting post to the shelf behind the seatbelt. The belt will bolt through the bracket and the bracket will bolt to the shelf with an M10 bolt/nylock

scoey m - 20/12/06 at 08:02 PM

overall excellent result
well done mate

G.Man - 20/12/06 at 11:07 PM

Originally posted by chockymonster
Yes, it was southampton that failed the lightweight.

I've asked if they'll let me drill through the mount and then bolt up from the underneath but they've said no. The only way they'll allow them unbraced is if I reduce the height of the supports and then provide evidence the seats can take the weight!

What is planned is a bracket that goes from the top of the seatbelt mounting post to the shelf behind the seatbelt. The belt will bolt through the bracket and the bracket will bolt to the shelf with an M10 bolt/nylock

oh fgs

that seatbelt mount is more than adequate for a 4 point belt..

Bloody idiots..

chockymonster - 20/12/06 at 11:43 PM

Yeah I know.
Unfortunately I don't have any option but to play ball to get my car on the road.

I also need to cover the exhaust as the front edge failed the radius check, mainly because it's sharp!

I've done most of the other radius things he picked up, which even he said were pointless to pick up. These wouldn't have been an issue but he refused to allow the bumper bars even though he'd used them to push the car backwards!

I need to source a more sva friendly passenger mirror as I can't get the visibility right.

Agriv8 - 21/12/06 at 08:11 AM

Chocky post us up a picture.

would be of use for other builders.



Dillinger1977 - 21/12/06 at 12:56 PM

Originally posted by chockymonster
These wouldn't have been an issue but he refused to allow the bumper bars even though he'd used them to push the car backwards!

thats interesting, did he suspect that they might be whipped off post-sva or something?
Im trimming all of the stuff that may have been behind a bumper bar anyway. better to be on the safe side..

The seatbelt mount is a big worry though.. presumably its the same as mine and I dont fancy messing with that should it fail..

of course I'd probably find out if I got my finger out and actually booked the #@*&ing test!

Winston Todge - 21/12/06 at 01:07 PM

of course I'd probably find out if I got my finger out and actually booked the #@*&ing test!

Too true! I thought you had it finished by MNR at some point? What's left to do Rog?

smart51 - 21/12/06 at 01:35 PM

Birmingham SVAed my Vortx. They didn't like the seatbelt upper mounting but for a different reason. They said it was 0.5mm too low. The measured it 3 or 4 times, readjusting the dummy each time. It was very subjective due to the string and spirit level rig that they use. He looked at the mounting closely and asked me to remove one of the SVA bolt covers to check the bolt type. He didn't question the strength though.

chockymonster - 21/12/06 at 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Dillinger1977

thats interesting, did he suspect that they might be whipped off post-sva or something?
Im trimming all of the stuff that may have been behind a bumper bar anyway. better to be on the safe side..

The seatbelt mount is a big worry though.. presumably its the same as mine and I dont fancy messing with that should it fail..

He agreed that they should be used as the floor height for the radius test, however "in his opinion" if someone put their hand out to break their fall they could injure themselves.
I'd lost the will to argue at this point! I'm now working through the 4 page fail sheet (big writing!)

I'm making up an exhaust guard to resolve the radius problems on the exhaust can.
The rest is pretty straight forward, I just have to hope that I can get it registered before my covernote runs out.

chockymonster - 21/12/06 at 05:02 PM

I've just received my 4 page fail sheet.
The most relevant part to this is

5.2 A seat belt anchorage or the surrounding vehicle structure is of inadequate strength and likely to fail.
His explanation is
N/S + O/S top seatbelt anchorage points have no triangulation and bracing to spread the load effectively into the chassis.

TimC - 21/12/06 at 05:35 PM

I think I'd take it to another SVA centre!

zxrlocost - 21/12/06 at 05:48 PM

dead sound these SVA people

chockymonster - 21/12/06 at 06:34 PM

Originally posted by TimC
I think I'd take it to another SVA centre!

I can't.
SVA retest will use my current file until June 18th. It's easy to rectify, just a pain in the neck.
I've put all of the fail points up on my website and need to work through them, the major ones from my point of view are N/S + O/S front lower swivel washers fouling on swivel joint on steering lock to lock, exhaust edging, emissions and the seatbelt points.

I know how to deal with all but the swivel joint washers. One thing of note in the fail sheet is this comment about brake bias locking - "A roll pin will be considered acceptable providing it penetrates the full diameter of the component."

[Edited on 21/12/06 by chockymonster]

Dillinger1977 - 22/12/06 at 10:10 AM

Originally posted by Winston Todge
I thought you had it finished by MNR at some point? What's left to do Rog?

not entirely finished, mainly the engine wiring. Its pretty much done as it is, I just havent had the time to SVA it. maybe next year

amalyos - 22/12/06 at 08:18 PM

Originally posted by chockymonster
I've just received my 4 page fail sheet.
The most relevant part to this is

5.2 A seat belt anchorage or the surrounding vehicle structure is of inadequate strength and likely to fail.
His explanation is
N/S + O/S top seatbelt anchorage points have no triangulation and bracing to spread the load effectively into the chassis.

Dion (Numnuts) and myself both had the same problem with the belt anchorages.
Solution was to turn up some sleeves to put over the originals, and bolt through a cap on the top.
Chelmsford accepted that, I think it was just a case of now it looks stronger,

We told Mark and Chris about it, hope they do something for future builds, as the SVA seem to be inconsistant on this issue.

Steve Rescued attachment Belt Anchorage.JPG
Rescued attachment Belt Anchorage.JPG

chockymonster - 22/12/06 at 09:06 PM

They look much beefier.
Can you remember what spec you had it made up to?

Winston Todge - 27/12/06 at 02:03 PM

Originally posted by amalyos

Chelmsford accepted that, I think it was just a case of now it looks stronger,

I find this amazing as some SVA testers may pick this issue up as 'not upto standard' and then pass it with a sleeve over that would have a negligible effect on strength.

Also I would have thought if the sleeve was made slightly taller than the original thinner MNR mount then when the harness bolt was torqued up it would 'pull' the original mount upwards and actually have a detrimental effect on its strength... Wouldn't it?

I would have thought the strap over the rear of the mount and bolted through the rear bulkhead would be stronger and more safe?


amalyos - 27/12/06 at 09:27 PM

Even though the sleeve is not welded to the plate, it does move the effective pivot point of the load out, so it will reduce the loads on the weld.

Dion did drill through his posts, and added a bolt through with a spread washer underneath, but I couldn't do that as I have the RT+ chassis, which has different trianglation.

Steve. Rescued attachment Seat Belt Anchorage.JPG
Rescued attachment Seat Belt Anchorage.JPG

Winston Todge - 3/1/07 at 12:14 PM

Congratulations Paul! Great job on passing the SVA!

Just gotta get mine on the road now and then organise some sort of ride/drive out in the South...

Enjoy it!


Dillinger1977 - 4/1/07 at 09:47 AM

amalyos, where did you get those sleeves for the seatbelt mounts?

they do look nice and chunky. Im about to book sva soon and as a more permanent solution is way beyond what I can manage, i'm hoping the percieved chunkiness might please mr SVA.

anyone a dab hand with a lathe?

chockymonster - 4/1/07 at 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Dillinger1977
amalyos, where did you get those sleeves for the seatbelt mounts?

they do look nice and chunky. Im about to book sva soon and as a more permanent solution is way beyond what I can manage, i'm hoping the percieved chunkiness might please mr SVA.

anyone a dab hand with a lathe?


Steve and Dion used a 40mm piece of rod with a hole bored through it to fit over the existing mount and a chamfer to fit over the weld.
There's a 5mm or so washer over the top

Dion drilled through the bottom of the tube and bolted a big plate to the bottom of each harness mount.

Now, this is where you'll laugh. I took Dion's pictures with me to SVA yesterday to show the other way of doing it and my examiner would have still failed me on it as there was no triangulation to spread the load into the chassis.

The major issue I have with the SVA procedure is the level of interpretation that is used. You can't hand on heart say that something will definitely pass. What I found really scary was speaking to my examiner when I booked the retest and him telling me he'd seen my pictures of my modified harness mounts!

Agriv8 - 4/1/07 at 10:53 AM

Originally posted by chockymonster
Originally posted by Dillinger1977
amalyos, where did you get those sleeves for the seatbelt mounts?

they do look nice and chunky. Im about to book sva soon and as a more permanent solution is way beyond what I can manage, i'm hoping the percieved chunkiness might please mr SVA.

anyone a dab hand with a lathe?


Steve and Dion used a 40mm piece of rod with a hole bored through it to fit over the existing mount and a chamfer to fit over the weld.
There's a 5mm or so washer over the top

Dion drilled through the bottom of the tube and bolted a big plate to the bottom of each harness mount.

Now, this is where you'll laugh. I took Dion's pictures with me to SVA yesterday to show the other way of doing it and my examiner would have still failed me on it as there was no triangulation to spread the load into the chassis.

The major issue I have with the SVA procedure is the level of interpretation that is used. You can't hand on heart say that something will definitely pass. What I found really scary was speaking to my examiner when I booked the retest and him telling me he'd seen my pictures of my modified harness mounts!

Oh dont assume they don't do there home work. I belive there is at least 3 that have accounts and I am sure there are more who view only.

I suspect most use it to advise builders on how other have pased SVA 'Withing there INTERPRATATION of the SVA words'



chockymonster - 4/1/07 at 10:57 AM

Originally posted by Agriv8
I suspect most use it to advise builders on how other have pased SVA 'Withing there INTERPRATATION of the SVA words'

Or to discover how builders get around rules! Key example to this was the words refering to pinning my bias bar! "The locking method must pass through both sides of the adjustment assembly"

chockymonster - 4/1/07 at 12:32 PM

ready to enter the dragon's den!
7:45 in the morning, it was cold and wet

chockymonster - 4/1/07 at 12:34 PM

Waiting for my MAC Certificate and the examiner to take some pictures of my car for their records (of how it was before bits fell off on the way home)

G.Man - 4/1/07 at 12:52 PM


I so wish I had gone for that colour...

chockymonster - 4/1/07 at 01:11 PM

Originally posted by G.Man

I so wish I had gone for that colour...

The sad thing is I can't get a picture that does it justice. It's so hard to photo. It's much, much brighter in the flesh. In direct sunlight it's brilliantly bright.

RichieC - 4/1/07 at 09:53 PM

Well done Paul, top job.

Enjoy, Rich

G.Man - 4/1/07 at 10:51 PM

Originally posted by chockymonster
Originally posted by G.Man

I so wish I had gone for that colour...

The sad thing is I can't get a picture that does it justice. It's so hard to photo. It's much, much brighter in the flesh. In direct sunlight it's brilliantly bright.

I know, I know, but hey ho, I can use decals on mine... and can change the colour when i want...

Need a zx6r colour scheme i think from about 4 years ago...

Dillinger1977 - 5/1/07 at 08:45 AM

on a pure white car i'd always be tempted to do the Toyota Castrol decal job on it.

not sure how it'd work on a non-toyota seven though.