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vortx rt r1 gulf colours
marc n - 19/5/06 at 07:13 AM

more info on our website

best regards


more info here Rescued attachment gulf-car-rear.jpg
Rescued attachment gulf-car-rear.jpg

marc n - 19/5/06 at 07:14 AM

and again Rescued attachment gulf-car-side.jpg
Rescued attachment gulf-car-side.jpg

Dillinger1977 - 19/5/06 at 12:56 PM

sweet. fancy a swap?

Krismc - 19/5/06 at 05:01 PM

nice, very nice!!

nea bad price either, if i hadnt got this kit i would have had that!

mnr laptop - 21/5/06 at 07:31 AM

hi rog still trying to work out getting a slot in the workshop to get yours finished, will give you a bell mid week

best regrds
