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Anyone had problems with their cycle wing support bar?
markmcc21 - 26/6/14 at 10:49 AM

Weld went on the support bar where it bolts to the hub a few month ago, failed on me again yesterday which resulted in me having to hacksaw the bar off the car on the road side as its a jack up, wheel, calliper and top wishbone off job. Anyone done any mods to improve theirs? just its a shame its let me down twice on the road for something thats so bloody simple. its a 2008/2009 build. might have changed the design since then.

Previous weld fail.

rodgling - 26/6/14 at 11:01 AM

Yes, different car and wing stay design but same problem. That design is always going to fail because the mount points are so close together it will just flex around these points and fatigue them.

On my car the most recent time it happened I've added an additional support, so in addition to the standard mount point (using the top ball joint), I've attached a brace where the brakes bolt to the upright which runs up and attaches to the wing stay about 10 cm back from the ball joint mount. This seems very effective at stopping it flexing, so fingers crossed it'll be a bit more reliable.

Doctor Derek Doctors - 26/6/14 at 11:35 AM

You can quite easily fit Caterham wing brackets to those Ally' uprights, thats what I did and they are a much more robust design (and look neater), I've had no problems with shaking or breaking.

These ones:

Rescued attachment caterham wing stay.jpg
Rescued attachment caterham wing stay.jpg

jacko - 26/6/14 at 03:58 PM

I know someone that had the same problem he repaid it and fitted a stay from the top ball joint to the top of the wing that stopped the wing wobbling from side to side

David Jenkins - 26/6/14 at 06:56 PM

The cycle wing is a fairly hefty bit of fibreglass to support on one side only - some designs seem to be good, but many people have had support fractures - you are not alone!

After my third fracture I blatantly copied someone else's design for an outboard wing support, and modified it to suit my own perverse ideas - now the wing is rock-solid and I do not expect it to fail at any time in the near future. It is also fun to watch people with some mechanical knowledge trying to work out what the hell I've done!

Not everyone likes them, but I prefer this to picking my wing up off the road...

Davey D - 27/6/14 at 06:53 AM

Originally posted by jacko
I know someone that had the same problem he repaid it and fitted a stay from the top ball joint to the top of the wing that stopped the wing wobbling from side to side

That was me Picture as below. Its been fine ever since i did it way back when... only change ive made since is i have also bolted the flatbar to the wing as it was just tigersealed to start with

wing stay
wing stay

Johneturbo - 24/7/14 at 10:56 AM

I've had many break on mine I lost count! even on the way to Stoneleigh one year!

I also did the mod davey posted up and it's worked well, think I had one fail since but they are 10 times stronger

its the one thing that let's the car down a bit

[Edited on 24/7/14 by Johneturbo]