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Floor/belly pan attachment
ElmrPhD - 8/10/12 at 09:27 AM

Hi guys,
Just getting started with my Vortx kit over here in Holland. For some reason, it is arriving from my agent in pieces and the instructions I have are rather poor.
Can someone give me an idea of how many rivets are required to attach the big, one-piece (1.5 mm aluminium) belly pan to the round tube frame? I have a bag of 80 rivets which may well be for that purpose, but there is no labelling so I'm not sure.
Itching to make progress!!!
Steve, in the NLs

ElmrPhD - 8/10/12 at 09:38 AM

Similarly, does anyone have pix from below the car, when it's up on a lift, so I can get an idea of the rivet spacing? Just wanna know if I need one per inch, like airplanes or one per 150 mm since it's not too stressed, will be further stuck on by polyurethane and I don't want to put any more holes in the chassis than necessary.

I think most of you received your chassis with this work already done at Harrogate, but mine was worked over, here in NL and then powder-coated afterwards. So, I must attach the floor pan myself.

Thanks, again,

Steve, in the NLs

coozer - 8/10/12 at 10:03 AM

Give Chris a ring, he will tell you the correct spacing required.

fege - 8/10/12 at 11:41 AM

Here's a picture of my floor panel. Not the best one but it'll give you an idea. The panels were also glued uring PL 400.


ElmrPhD - 8/10/12 at 11:46 AM

Thank you Fege!!!
Wow - that's indeed about 1-inch/2.54-cm spacing. Ugh - gotta go buy a bunch more rivets!!!
Let me ask you - is that your work or is that what MNR delivered pre-assembled?
Thanks again - you're my new best friend!
Steve, in the NLs

Slater - 8/10/12 at 12:13 PM

Here's mine, after cutting floor to shape, marking, drilling, deburring and riviting. The outside edges were done after the sides were fitted as they have a 2" lip that curves under the floor. Big headed rivits. Looks like 3" ish spacing.

fege - 8/10/12 at 12:14 PM

That's my own work! My arms looked like "Popeye the sailor man" as I was using a regular manual riveting tool...

[Edited on 8/10/12 by fege]

ElmrPhD - 12/10/12 at 01:08 PM

Thanks y'all!!!

We got the floor riveted (175 of the damned things!) and glued on last night.
Now I gotta build a stand so we can flip it over and continue. Stay tuned!

Steve, in the NLs