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right or left,mnr frt upright.
jambo - 5/12/08 at 05:16 PM

is this left or right front upright,
i ask as i have been told left but i have pictures of 2 cars and they have it on the right.
right:driversideffside Rescued attachment DSC04257.JPG
Rescued attachment DSC04257.JPG

Mal - 5/12/08 at 06:24 PM

Are the uprights themselves handed?

Since I don't own any of these I am not 100% sure but is the handing not determined by the direction the steering lever and caliper bracket is bolted on?


antonio - 5/12/08 at 06:31 PM

IMHO, left. (was like that on my factory build car IICR)

stuart_g - 5/12/08 at 06:33 PM

The one in the pic will go onto the passenger side as the brake caliper will be at the back of the disc. The uprights themselves are not handed. When you assemble the other make sure the brake caliper mount is on opposite way round and make sure both steering arms point forwards.

I hope that makes sense.

marc n - 5/12/08 at 07:16 PM

the way its assembled in pic its l / h trust me

but until bolted together they are not handed as per mals post

please tell me asap the cars with them the wrong way round as they will have big problems

this is sometimes why forums / build sites are a bad idea, i had a chap ( not a poster on here ) fit his front uprights on upside down ( even though the manual showed them the correct way ) as he had seen them on a build blog mounted upside down, then gave me grief cause he had 4 degrees positive castor and as such i had obviously sent him the wrong wishbones, i sent four sets in total before he finally relented and sent a pic of the problem, which was immediately obvios that the uprights where upside down

in the last 6 months ive had three cars in our workshops that have been built wrong or dangerously by guidance from various forums by people who have not even built an mnr

please please i beg that if you have any queies you email / ask me or the workshop or another mnr owner if unsure of anything, as one car i have seen recently that had passed sva had the potential for a catastophic failure due to duff advice

im more than happy to have 100 emails a day from builders who would like me to cast my eye over their build thus far

sorry if it looks like it is a rant, its not i just dont want people to waste their time and effort



jambo - 5/12/08 at 07:21 PM

is this wrong then.
also have other car with the same as this one.
assembling wise they can be built up either way with brake bracket and steering link. Rescued attachment red car upright.jpg
Rescued attachment red car upright.jpg

marc n - 5/12/08 at 07:56 PM

is this wrong then.
also have other car with the same as this one.

no thats a correct left front assembly

assembling wise they can be built up either way with brake bracket and steering link.

yes thats correct they are not handed till bolted together,

but with the brake bracket positioned as in your picture that is a left front assembly



jambo - 6/12/08 at 12:14 AM

yes marc,good advice on mixed opinios!
i feel a total ass now as its took me ages staring at the picture to get my brain into seeing this as the left hand side of the car(near side)
as i zoomed my eyes out for a second i cought a glimps of an exhaust and headlamp and instantly my brain ran over to the other side of the car and said ahhhh.
the instant my eyes matched my brain i just could not see it now as the off side.
its not often i am wrong but i am wrong again