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Bodywork ideas, concepts, CAD?
e020518 - 29/12/03 at 01:05 AM

I have to admit I have not gotten around to start my project yet, I still play with the plans. I do however have an interest in seeing if there are more concepts on bodywork out there that might be fun to look over and maybe be inspired from.

Let's see all those ideas that are floating out there. Attached is a little something I sketched up tonight.

Br / Jon

[Edited on 29/12/03 by e020518]

e020518 - 29/12/03 at 01:07 AM did not seem to stick to the original message. Rescued attachment insp 1.jpg
Rescued attachment insp 1.jpg

RichyMkIndy - 29/12/03 at 01:10 AM

thats a little somthing you scketched up tonight ?
now come on ! that looks like it took days you big show off !!

i love it, very cool

Rorty - 29/12/03 at 02:36 AM

Looks like a Datsun Z Car severely ran up the 4rse of an otherwise innocent Locost.

liam.mccaffrey - 29/12/03 at 08:53 AM

that looks fantastic, I too have wondered how different shells would look, I had thought that a full shell would look nice but I must admit I never thought it could be so smart.

I had worried what the rear would look like when I imagined it, but it looks fantastically proportioned

Imagine pulling up next to a porsche at the lights in that.!!


dave1888 - 29/12/03 at 09:15 AM

Looks fantastic
The only thing entry and exit would be a bit of a problem ?

DaveFJ - 29/12/03 at 09:19 AM

how about hinging the roof so you could step in and out ? - it would certainly be different...

Peteff - 29/12/03 at 11:56 AM

The nose looks a bit too droopy and the cockpit too short, like you would have to sit between the rear wheels. It would have to be a hinged top for access unless the proportions were altered and some serious strength added to the sides to allow for doors. Just an opinion

yours, Pete

bikkel - 29/12/03 at 08:24 PM


nice...looks a bit like this one:


kingr - 30/12/03 at 12:23 AM

Aaaaaah, the locost in that link is hideous, it's got a great big arse!


e020518 - 30/12/03 at 10:49 PM

I hope mine is a bit slimmer....

Br / Jon

But please show some of your stuff that you are holding on... Rescued attachment insp_3.jpg
Rescued attachment insp_3.jpg

Simon - 1/1/04 at 11:14 PM

I like it, but you'll have to do something about the number of bodypanels.

I counted over 40 on one side



suparuss - 2/1/04 at 10:03 AM

Originally posted by Simon
I like it, but you'll have to do something about the number of bodypanels.

I counted over 40 on one side

you nutter!

that flat bit on the back looks weird, the rest is looking pretty good, i would like to see it with the cycles wings on the font tho, wont pas sva otherwise!


GO - 2/1/04 at 02:09 PM

like it, but I like the big arsed one too!!

looks a little marcos like from the back.

ned - 5/1/04 at 01:54 PM

that roof looks a little 'wlr' ish doesn't it?


e020518 - 9/1/04 at 07:26 AM

Well, all, just to clearify: I have looked at a lot of 7:ens and have been inspired from all of them. It is far from perfect but fun to look at. The body is not made for a space frame but rather as a monocoque (but of course that may prove difficult in reality and the "body panels" are just lines left from drafting the surfaces in the program, i.e. it is not a real rendering with a surface skin). However, this is a quick sketch for purpose of finding others that might have done similar design sketches that they want to show. I am convinced that someone must have stuff like me laying around in the computer.

Br / Jon

e020518 - 11/1/04 at 01:38 PM

Rescued attachment assembly 1.jpg
Rescued attachment assembly 1.jpg

e020518 - 11/1/04 at 01:39 PM

Rescued attachment assembly 2.jpg
Rescued attachment assembly 2.jpg

I love speed :-P - 11/1/04 at 01:50 PM

what program are using

btw it is looking very nice

Alan B - 11/1/04 at 02:26 PM

I'm guessing Solidworks.....but yeah I'd love to know too...

Agreed..nice work..

e020518 - 11/1/04 at 08:00 PM

[Edited on 11/1/04 by e020518]

I love speed :-P - 11/1/04 at 08:02 PM

<=== i did my avitor using per desk top, i got it free, plus i won a cup 4 the car

sry got a new avitor, bit hopful get a cup 4 this 1 as well

[Edited on 2/2/2004 by I love speed :-P]

e020518 - 11/1/04 at 08:08 PM

I love speed :-P:

I saw that you are working on a frame and also that thing (log pic), can I have a copy?

Br / jon

[Edited on 11/1/04 by e020518]

Alistair Mc - 12/1/04 at 02:25 PM

I like your design, comming late to this thread. I had hoped to do custom body, gave up in the end due to time issues. the following pic is what I would have liked to do.

More pics at Rescued attachment carview3.jpg
Rescued attachment carview3.jpg

e020518 - 12/1/04 at 08:27 PM

May guess that it is done in 3Dmax? Sweet rederings on you web page! I have a damaged file for Photo Works and can't make those kind of rederings without exporting to 3Dmax, which I don't know so well so I get lazy. Have you made any other creations? Even if it isn't 7:ens or even cars I would be intersted to look at them.

alister667 - 12/1/04 at 10:03 PM

That looks stunning. When someone builds a computerised, automatic glassfibre machine we'll be landed!

Alistair Mc - 12/1/04 at 11:04 PM

Never got the hang of 3d studio, the images were done in Cinima 4D.