Hi all , any body got any experiance of wrapping? cheers gary
Yeah, but only on the 24th December really. Leave everything till the last minute.
i once made a demo tape but i was too white to compete with the ganster wrappers
Man walks into a shop and buys a book, the shopkeeper say's would you like it rapped, and the man say's no I prefer rock'n'roll.
i'd prefer to master beatboxing. you know, kicking it old skool.
I have vinyled a few panels. I bought some sign vinyl off Fleabay for pretty cheap. The vinyl was a bit too thick I think, and the glue was brutal to get off. Wetting with soapy water didn't stop it from sticking. Way cheaper than painting though, and looks a lot better than spray bombs.
Originally posted by indykid
i once made a demo tape but i was too white to compete with the ganster wrappers
I was allways getting rapped at school..........right across the knuckles with a 12" wooden ruler.......
I was great with a towel in the changing room...
I always get bent out of shape. Oh wait sorry thats warped
As the Egyptian's they were pretty good
As everybody does'nt want to commit thereselves or understands what youre on about.
Have a look HERE
at the VWS 1/2/3 links
all of our recovery trucks are wrapped where i work, sign team in thorney in peterborough are the guys who do a good job its an option for my indy
whats wrapping?
I belive (as i saw a version of that done on a Aston at work)
Its like clear vynil applied over paint and acts as a barrier for stone chipping etc.
like this
Rescued attachment Picture 083.jpg
We repair Sky vans, these are all wrapped, Fenn Graphics do all the replacements, takes about 5 mins but it is a real skill.
I was quoted £1400 to wrap my T4 van with mad graphics etc by a firm in Falmouth and would agree best left to those who know how to do it.
We had a roller shutter at work wrapped a couple of months back, I felt sorry for the poor sods who had to cut it into 2" strips for each section
of the shutter. They did a damn fine job of it though