Hi All,does any body have any good ideas on how to clean up aluminum panels. I have tried autosol but it takes forever.
Baby oil works a treat.
Have heard that Harpic toilet cleaner works (no really!) but don't leave it on for too long and be sure to rinse well afterwards.
Cheers, Pewe
thank,s all i will give it a try and see what happens on a small ali panel first
Best product I have used is "Meguairs" Halfruads sell it £7.99 if I remember correctly. One tub should do your ally pannels a few dozen
times. It is by far the best I have come across. Added this picture to show the shine, and how it relects. Changed picture as this shows it better.
[Edited on 24-3-08 by Chippy]
finest water paper and soap with warm water
dry then apply mothers or autosol
[Edited on 22-3-08 by mangogrooveworkshop]
Meguires for me as well . If you do a search (has been covered) you will get a bit more info