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A bit of proper body work for you Seven boys to look at
Jasper - 18/4/07 at 06:38 PM

Thought I show you a few pics of the work done today to fit the engine under the bonnet, and the dirty great 235's under the back wings.... Rescued attachment 18042007074.jpg
Rescued attachment 18042007074.jpg

Jasper - 18/4/07 at 06:38 PM

The view from the cock pit.... Rescued attachment 18042007073.jpg
Rescued attachment 18042007073.jpg

Jasper - 18/4/07 at 06:39 PM

A little cut and shut.... Rescued attachment 18042007083.jpg
Rescued attachment 18042007083.jpg

Jasper - 18/4/07 at 06:39 PM

So should we or shouldn't we Rescued attachment 18042007081.jpg
Rescued attachment 18042007081.jpg

Surrey Dave - 18/4/07 at 07:01 PM

You'll never see the join!

Peteff - 18/4/07 at 09:32 PM

Some swine's pooped on your bonnet Jasper ! A couple of pounds of jam (bridging filler) in there and you'll never know it was cut.

MikeR - 18/4/07 at 10:46 PM

i'm sure that will soon polish out


I think there may be a problem with your body work, not sure it lines up properly

stevebubs - 18/4/07 at 11:17 PM

Holy cr@p Jasper, perhaps it would have been easier to ditch the bodywork altogether?


PS Got a spare one of these lying around in the garage if it's any use...

[Edited on 18/4/07 by stevebubs]

James - 19/4/07 at 12:01 AM

Originally posted by Peteff
Some swine's pooped on your bonnet Jasper !

So... I wasn't the only who thought that at the first picture!!!

Well done Jasp... you're a braver man than me.

[Edited on 19/4/07 by James]

ned - 19/4/07 at 07:25 AM

nice to see 'some' progress, don't give up your day job

Jasper - 19/4/07 at 09:22 AM

Didn't want a big square bonnet bulge, hence this more curved one - will look a bit better once it's had lots of filler!!

Being a child of the 70's we did like the side strakes, but they won't happened, and yes, we're going to take the front on the wings in fairly square and use a mesh infill.

Actually, all of that was done in just over 1 day, shows how much you can do when working with somebody who knows what they're doing

gttman - 19/4/07 at 02:58 PM

Are your lights still inside the 400mm limit that Mr SVA wants on the rear now that you have widened the rear arches?