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Front cycle wing high
tks - 19/6/06 at 07:24 PM

hi all!

how much seperation do we put on the cycle wings? between tyre and metal plate and between metal plate and wing?

Any dangerous distances for stones???

Would not like the seeing of a stone picked up by the wheel cutting my wing in 2pieces...



[Edited on 20/6/06 by tks]

andyharding - 19/6/06 at 07:37 PM

I have about 25mm.

miserableoldgit - 19/6/06 at 08:01 PM

I have about 250 miles at the moment!!

(That's the distance between Triton, who is making them in Cornwall, and the car which is in Telford)

Think that will be enough??

tks - 19/6/06 at 08:03 PM

i asked for clearance not for travelled distance..

what do you mean to say?


Danozeman - 19/6/06 at 08:40 PM

25mm sounds about right to me. Or at least thats what mine will near enough be.

Think it depends on what look you want aswell. Closer the better in my book.

DarrenW - 20/6/06 at 10:00 AM

i used 2 lengths of hosepipe gaffer taped on top of wheel and bent the wing stays onto this. arch bonded directly to wing stays.

Hose was approx 3/4" OD (std home garden hose)

David Jenkins - 20/6/06 at 10:26 AM

Sounds like you are having a bad day, tks!

My wings sit about 3cm over the tyres. It depends on how rigid your supports are (will the wing and/or its supports bounce against the wheel and tyre?) and if you can get the wheel off when you need to fix the tyre.

The second point is the main reason for not mounting the wing too close - it can stop you from removing the wheel from the hub.

hope this helps,


Wheel side
Wheel side

tks - 20/6/06 at 12:15 PM

its just i'm almost finishing the build.

and i'm sick that i live in a town where they have nothing!

i mean i can buy allot but the things i just need always i need to travel 60km for them.

Anyway thanxs for the info all, will take the dimensions given as a basis for mines..

thanxs ladies


David Jenkins - 20/6/06 at 12:21 PM

Originally posted by tks

and i'm sick that i live in a town where they have nothing!

i mean i can buy allot but the things i just need always i need to travel 60km for them.

Sounds like Ipswich...

Danozeman - 20/6/06 at 12:49 PM


Sounds like Ipswich...

True but Stowmarkets worse!!