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Wiper Spacing
The Doc - 28/1/06 at 04:55 PM

I'm installing a mini wiper mechanism which requires shortening the connecting tube between the two spindles/wheelboxes. Ron suggests this distance should be 11". I've gone and cut the bugger to leave a spacing of 10". Can anyone tell me if this is likely to be OK or will there be problems with wiping enough screen area etc. (SVA?)

I don't want to cut the holes in the scuttle until I know this is OK. Obviously I can find a new tube and cut accordinly but if this is OK as is I might as well use it

piddy - 28/1/06 at 06:45 PM

This might help. Rescued attachment wipers.JPG
Rescued attachment wipers.JPG

RazMan - 28/1/06 at 06:45 PM

That would equate to about half an inch inward on both sides so I doubt you would notice it. If you are concerned then measure the arc that your wipers would make - if it looks acceptable, go with the narrower distance.

steve_gus - 28/1/06 at 08:58 PM

I modelled my wiper sweep with the back of some wallpaper with the screen area drawn on it, and a 'ruler' made up of the lenght of the wiper. You can scribe an arc with this with a pen and see how things work out.

Took quite some time with mine - but then i was using a granada mechanism



Marcus - 29/1/06 at 04:06 PM



Fit wipers and screen AFTER SVA.
It makes life so much simpler.


bob - 29/1/06 at 08:24 PM

Yep marcus is right fit the screen and wipers after SVA,it will speed up your build and save you fitting washers and demist/heater.

When you do cut'n'shut your mini wiper system remember the wiper motor will be fitted the opposite side to its original birth place in the mini,which basically means it will be upside down.
This will give you a sweep on the screen for left hand drive,the remedy is to turn the wheel boxes over and around.