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How High is Yours
mad4x4 - 4/8/05 at 06:12 PM

How High up is your front arch off of your wheel

is thie too high?

Ok that didn't work have a look in my arhcive


[Edited on 4/808/05 by mad4x4]

mookaloid - 4/8/05 at 06:22 PM

I don't think mine are that high.. Rescued attachment tn_screen3.JPG
Rescued attachment tn_screen3.JPG

Avoneer - 4/8/05 at 06:40 PM

Errr yes....

Closer the better.


David Jenkins - 4/8/05 at 06:46 PM

Just remember to leave enough room to let you take the wheel off...


James - 4/8/05 at 06:56 PM


remember to put it far enough forward for the SVA.


GeoffT - 4/8/05 at 06:57 PM

Look waay too high to me with those wheels, also think it helps appearance if they are moved as far to the back of the wheel as you dare.
All IMHO of course!

Surrey Dave - 4/8/05 at 07:47 PM

Can only just get the wheel on and off!!

AGK7 - 4/8/05 at 10:19 PM

Originally posted by mookaloid
How High up is your front arch off of your wheel
is thie too high?

Ok that didn't work have a look in my arhcive

Try this Had trouble posting images also until i realised that you need to go the the image properties (right click) and then copy the address from there
R1 Clocks in Dash
R1 Clocks in Dash

chriscook - 4/8/05 at 10:30 PM

I think it helps reduce the considerable front end lift if the arches are as close to the wheel as possible.

rick q - 4/8/05 at 11:17 PM

As close as you can - though it can be disconcerting to hear the gravel work its way around the the space between the guard and the tyre !!!


DarrenW - 5/8/05 at 07:31 AM

A good trick i was told was to tape some 1" hosepipe to the wheel, then bend the brackets so it is touching the hosepipe. Fix arch to the brackets and you then have a good gap. The arch can also be taped down to the wheel while the adhesive cures.

I was advised to make sure brackets and arch are very clean then afix with Wurth bond and seal. When cured, remove wheel and apply more bond and seal to the brackets. This way you get a boltless fix. Havent done it myself yet so hopefully someone can post their experience of this method to confirm it sticks good.

Hellfire - 5/8/05 at 10:37 AM

Yes. The above method sticks good.

Surrey Dave - 5/8/05 at 04:05 PM

i'm sorry to say that they look like 13" arches on 14" wheels................... the radius doesn't look right

[Edited on 5/8/05 by Surrey Dave]

mad4x4 - 6/8/05 at 07:59 AM

Ahhhhhhh - There MK arches - could they be 13"? That may explain why I could get them to fit right .

clbarclay - 6/8/05 at 11:04 AM

Its not so much 13" wheels as tyre profile that can be the problem.

13" wheels with 175/70 tyres and 15" wheels with 195/50 tyres are almost the same diameter, but 14" wheels with 185/60 (common on sierra) come a bit bigger.

When mounting the wing (looking at it side on) the wing wants to be an even distance away from the center of the wheel (measuerd to outside edge of wing). The distance from the wheel center fo front edge of wing should be the same as to the rear edge or any point between the two. Like picture below the arrows are all the same length. Rescued attachment wing position.JPG
Rescued attachment wing position.JPG

Surrey Dave - 6/8/05 at 04:49 PM

Yes the tyre size makes a lot of difference, you know for certain until you can fit them with final choice for wheels and tyres...........