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Wheel arches should be ok! (cheers!)
jambojeef - 19/6/05 at 10:49 PM

Well after lining them up it looks like I might not be too far off - heres a shot of it today in the sunshine!

I reckon my biggest problem at the minute is I need to stop staring at it and taking pictures and just get on with it!

Aluminium delivered this week - will post pics of the bodywork when its done.

Geoff Rescued attachment DSCN0010.JPG
Rescued attachment DSCN0010.JPG

Hellfire - 20/6/05 at 12:02 AM

Nice Our's is almost finished (yeah right!) for those at Newark MK Stand!

chrisf - 20/6/05 at 02:26 AM

That looks good. I'm using the same exhaust can and look forward to seeing how you sort out the [issues].

How are you coming with the dash cluster?


jambojeef - 20/6/05 at 08:31 AM

Cheers guys!

Dash has kind of been left whilst I panel it but the curent way of thinking (for wiring up the CBR1000RR clocks to the CBR1000 engine) is to use a couple of IC's to convert pulses into voltage then back again so I can tweak the voltage and calibrate it correctly...

either that of a programmable chip which we've got loads of in school! Obviously I will be very careful to make sure I order my own in specially....


mangogrooveworkshop - 20/6/05 at 11:49 AM

What you are looking for is a these sort the bikes clocks out. not expensive on ebay.

[Edited on 20-6-05 by mangogrooveworkshop]

chrisf - 20/6/05 at 01:14 PM


Dash has kind of been left whilst I panel it but the curent way of thinking (for wiring up the CBR1000RR clocks to the CBR1000 engine) is to use a couple of IC's to convert pulses into voltage then back again so I can tweak the voltage and calibrate it correctly...

I would be interested in buying one of these chips once you figure it all out. I'm assuming you're trying to get the oil/water temps, shiftlight, etc to display...


jambojeef - 20/6/05 at 04:41 PM

cheers for that mango, will look intot hat one (none on ebay at the minute sadly)

Erm, the other lights will be pretty easy to figure out - Ive measures the ranges with the meters and stuff and it should be fine - will post when Ive got it sorted!


Triton - 20/6/05 at 07:39 PM

Rear arckes look okay but those front ones don't fit the profile of the wheel/tyre and look weird.......just to be picky.

RazMan - 20/6/05 at 09:09 PM

Originally posted by Triton
Rear arckes look okay but those front ones don't fit the profile of the wheel/tyre and look weird.......just to be picky.

I have to agree there Geoff - it looks like youv'e got 15" wheels with 17" fenders (if you see what I mean) .... or are they just resting on the tyres with no bracketry fitted yet?

[Edited on 20-6-05 by RazMan]

jambojeef - 3/7/05 at 10:43 AM

Yo cats,

Them there wheel arches are currently resting on the wheels! Well spotted!

Like the look tho! Might have to do that this afternoon actually
