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Blade Mirrors (and Sierra Repeaters)
Guinness - 26/5/05 at 09:01 PM

I got a pair of Fireblade Mirrors off ebay, but am a bit confused as to how they attach to the scuttle.

They have a metal plate on the mirror, then a rubber bit, then another metal plate. The trouble is the plate has lugs that are wider than the bolts, so do they go through the bodywork?

Is it best to put the loose metal plate inside the body and the rubber on the gel coat side?

Also could anyone with a Sierra kicking around have a look at the hole the side repeaters go into. I know it has a couple of keys cut into it, but can't remember if they are the same on either side or not.



MkIndy7 - 26/5/05 at 09:46 PM

Yup u've got it, Rubber on the Gelcoat side and the metal load spreading plate on the inside, (looks like you might need some different nuts)

theconrodkid - 26/5/05 at 10:13 PM

i was told by my sva tester those repeaters wernt suitable,had to change them

Petemate - 26/5/05 at 10:28 PM

Hi Conrodkid - did the SVA tester say what was unsuitable re the repeaters? Were they not E-marked or what? They look OK to me....

theconrodkid - 27/5/05 at 01:29 PM

they came from an escort,same as in the pic,makers logo and e marks etc,he said they had sharp edges?
if anyone had come into contact with them that would have been the least of thier probs

timf - 27/5/05 at 01:37 PM

get the oval mondeo one nice and pedestrian freindly as you run over them

Guinness - 27/5/05 at 05:34 PM

Thanks for the reply's about the mirrors, will get them fitted this weekend.

Not to sure about the Sierra repeaters though. They seem to have nice rounded edges, and are from a type approved car (Sierra).

I don't want to make a hole in the scuttle to suit these (just because they were free) and have to change them later. Will go to Halfords tomorrow to price up alternatives.


theconrodkid - 27/5/05 at 05:35 PM

mondeo ones look a lot nicer as well

Petemate - 27/5/05 at 10:11 PM

Hi Conrodkid
Sharp edges? Did he mean the maker's markings? I can't see anything else. What a prick! Ironic innit - if you sand off the markings you lose the E mark. Though I once read somewhere that E-marking on certain leccy bits isn't as important as brightness. Mine are from a small Pug, about the same looking as the Sierra ones. But they are nice and smooth with deep soft rubber backing. We'll see....

theconrodkid - 28/5/05 at 05:20 AM

petemate,i did query this he said they arnt rounded enough,i pointed out anyone who came in contact with them would be in serious trouble all ready,dont shoot the messenger was the reply

RoadkillUK - 28/5/05 at 12:54 PM

I used Corsa indicators in mine, clear ones at that, SVA inspector didn't see a problem with it.

Petemate - 28/5/05 at 06:22 PM

Hi Conrodkid
I've just had a closer look at the pic. Even though they are approved, i.e. ex-Sierra, it may just be possible that the rounded bits are JUST not quite within the "2.5mm" radius rule. I feel the inspector was being a bit picky. The ones I've got on mine are from the scrappy, from a small Pug. There is nowhere that will fail the radius rule - they are much rounder than the Sierra ones. Whew!! Hopeful sigh of relief - we'll see!!!....

Peteff - 28/5/05 at 07:46 PM

I've got the Sierra ones on mine. They passed in 2001 at Derby mounted lower down on the body sides. They don't fit flush to the body and could do with something under them like an 'O' ring though.

Guinness - 29/5/05 at 02:57 PM

Thanks for the help guys, thought I'd post these to show them in situ.

One side
Offside Mirror & Repeater
Offside Mirror & Repeater

and the other
Nearside Mirror & Repeater
Nearside Mirror & Repeater

Peteff, as I now have a pair of Sierra ones spare, you can have the little orange 'O' rings if you want (see first photo this thread).


P.S. I'll be keeping the Sierra ones just in case these fail the SVA!