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David Jenkins - 23/5/05 at 12:43 PM

I've decided that my car needs to offer a bit of protection for me and my passenger - the 80mph breeze gets very wearing!

My first fancy is for a pair of Brooklands-style units, but I don't know how effective they are - anyone tried them out? They aren't cheap, so that's a consideration.

Alternatively, I could make a plastic wind-deflector, but I haven't a clue where to start on that one - anyone got some good close-up pictures to give me some ideas?

The last choice is to fit a ready-made unit from someone like MK or GTS - but I'm not so keen on them (personal taste).

All non-rude suggestions gratefully accepted!


DarrenW - 23/5/05 at 01:38 PM

Ive been in a MK with the MK aeroscreen and also a Mac#1 with their screen.
I favour the Mac#1 screen for effectiveness although i think the MK one looks better.

Worth pointing out though that the Mac#1 cockpit is higher so you sit a bit lower. Also talking to Mark he said it took a while to work out the bend angles to throw the air out instead of letting it vortex back in. Only about £30 as well so worth a try.
Im going for Mac1 screen and helmet.

Alez - 23/5/05 at 01:45 PM

I have a Mac #1 screen, can't compare effectiveness because I haven't tried any others. This one works fine for me and I like very much how it looks, it's smoked, you can see it here:



paulf - 23/5/05 at 03:09 PM

I made myself a very basic aeroscreen from a bit of 6mm makrolon.It was just to test effectivenes,so its just flat and attached by some brackets to the mirror mountings and a small channell section bracket in the centre of scuttle.Its about 150mm high and at a small angle but is quite effective.I have found it possible to drive at 60 with no helmet or glasses although dont make a habit of it.
It is much better at speed also as i used to find my head got blown from side to side at high speeds before,now its reasonably comfortable even at 90 +.
I dont have any photos at present but will try and post some later when my camera batteries are charged up.

David Jenkins - 23/5/05 at 03:18 PM

I don't want to get a permanent high aeroscreen like the Mac#1 version as I quite like the breeze when travelling on side roads.
That's why I was thinking about the classic Brooklands ones - I can keep them folded down for most of the time, only bringing them up when I'm doing long journeys.
I don't know how effective they'd be - although Paul's posting suggests that they should be quite good, as they're roughly the same size as his.
The alternative is to fit a lip or bump like the MK and GTS ones.

Decisions, decisions!


Marcus - 23/5/05 at 05:22 PM

I've recently gone from aeroscreens (home made - see avatar) to a full screen. I got less buffeting with the aero screens! I only changed 'cos I'm a wimp and making a roof / sidescreens for a touring trip


robinbastd - 23/5/05 at 09:56 PM

After a year of having no screen/aero's and suffering from grit filled eyes,etc I fitted Brooklands aeros on my Robin Hood and thought they were ok. Then I fitted a full windscreen and realised how very good the Brooklands were.
You can "tune" them to suit your height/lack of and they look nicely "retro" too.
IIRC there are some on ebay now.

wilkingj - 23/5/05 at 10:23 PM

I have a pair of these... Just the job for no or aero screens..

Wiley X Glasses

Wiley X SL-1

I have the XL-1 's.

Damn good, and will take a shotgun blast at several metres. ie shatterproof.
Interchangeabe, and will take prescription Lenses.
Also they have neoprene seals around the eyes to stop the dust and grit.
Issued to the troops in Iraq etc etc..
Expensive over here, but I got mine of Ebay for £26:00
Just thought you might be interested.

[Edited on 23/5/2005 by wilkingj]

David Jenkins - 24/5/05 at 07:19 AM

I wear glasses anyway, so if I wanted to go that route I would get some prescription safety glasses.
Apart from worrying about my eyes, I find that insects sting my face anyway! That's why I wear a full-face helmet most of the time.

I think I'll have to go to Newark and see what I fancy...


Dale - 24/5/05 at 12:15 PM

I have not yet decided on the type of windscreen yet but will be one of three types, a heavily raked and split screen, brooklands or something like the marlin flat screen thats adjustable from full up to flat on the hood. like this one Rescued attachment Resize of engine_sport_tvr_m.jpg
Rescued attachment Resize of engine_sport_tvr_m.jpg