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Rear Arches
shortie - 1/4/05 at 07:26 PM

Fitted the first of my rear arches today, being the perfectionist I am I wondered whether there is slightly more gap from the wheel at the back than the front. Looking at other peoples pics this is pretty normal but wanted other peopls opinions (reassurances) that it will be ok.

pics attached. All comments welcome!!

Rear Arch 1
Rear Arch 1

Rear Arch 2
Rear Arch 2

Rear Arch 3
Rear Arch 3

Rear Arch 4
Rear Arch 4

Rear Arch 5
Rear Arch 5

chunkielad - 1/4/05 at 07:48 PM

I'm afraid they look high to me (bigger gap at the top) but I'm a MAJOR perfectionst!!

Hellfire - 1/4/05 at 07:55 PM

We measured the distance from front of arch to centre and rear of arch to centre. The rest you cant control as they meet the lowest part of the rear and side panels.

Maybe your coils are wound up too much?

mookaloid - 1/4/05 at 07:55 PM

They should settle a bit - just a thought, have you got the right springs on the back and front?

The front ones are the thicker ones and the rear are thinner

Looking good though - I wish I had a cage like that



shortie - 1/4/05 at 08:04 PM

Not worried about the height as I haven't set the springs yet so will probably be lower than it is, really more concerned about whether the gap at front and back are different.

Wife and friend thought it was fine and would 'settle' and I'm thinking it may be better to leave it and see how it goes but thought I would get other peoples opinions!

Danozeman - 1/4/05 at 09:27 PM

Looks fine to me mate. Could do with a tad lowerage.. Looks like it will be a bloody nice car when its done.

shortie - 2/4/05 at 07:05 AM

Just thinking about the ride height and like Hellfire says I can't see how you can put the arh lower as it is governed by it coming level with the rear panel and side panel bottom edge.


chunkielad - 2/4/05 at 10:48 AM

You are right mate springs will sort that.

Dosey me!!

indykid - 3/4/05 at 02:29 PM

i was thinking of getting shorter springs for the back until i saw how much the suspension travels with me bouncing the back end. you may well need that travel some day

although probably not that much!
(my scenario is with 205 17s though and they dont half fill the arches)

[Edited on 3/4/05 by indykid]