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Vents - GRP bonnet
Matt21 - 18/6/15 at 11:40 AM


I'm wanting to add some vents in the rear end of my bonnet to allow how engine bay air to escape easier.

Whats the best way to get a nice neat cut in the fibreglass and no leave strands sticking out etc?

Here's a few ideas of what I'd like to try, though I dont know what shape vents at the moment (obviously round would be easiest)

(the rear vents)

Also, how do you go about fixing mesh into the nose cone?
I have a sheet of mesh, and an mk indy nose cone, but I'm not sure on the easiest way to fasten the two together so that it can be removed fairly easily.


[Edited on 18/6/15 by Matt21]

Moorron - 18/6/15 at 12:03 PM

My vents are like the top picture, placed on the side to limit rain water entering the engine bay. I carefully masked the bonnet up and used a cone cutter, hacksaw blade and those sanding wheels that fit a drill to make the holes. To get rid of the sharp strands I then used fine sand paper to give it a smooth edge.

Very time consuming and you have to go slow and not overheat the panel and also very so careful not to slip and ruin the bonnet but it looks really good now.

To fix mesh I used hot glue, which is semi flexible but silicone would also work. You need a few pairs of hands if you have a large piece to keep pressure on the mesh until it sets.

[Edited on 18/6/15 by Moorron]

40inches - 18/6/15 at 12:34 PM

I bonded 4 pieces of ally angle to the return on the nose cone, then screwed the mesh to these with large washers.

ken555 - 18/6/15 at 12:45 PM

Masking tape and mark it out.


Dremel with cutting disk



Then swap to sanding drum


Ivan - 18/6/15 at 03:28 PM

^^^^ And spend the rest of the day itching and scratching

I hate working with fiberglass

[Edited on 18/6/15 by Ivan]

Matt21 - 18/6/15 at 04:40 PM

I know what you mean, I'm not sure what is worse, cutting and grinding it or making things with it!

Dremel sounds like a good move, I just ordered a dremel 4000 with a flexy head attachment!

The nose cone mesh idea looks like it will do the job just nicely! anyone got any other ideas?

bi22le - 18/6/15 at 07:09 PM

My nose cone mesh is bolted straight through. With nice headed bolts it looks fine.

The other mesh parts have been silicone in. Dont use hot glue gun, it will come off if your engine bay gets THAT hot.

Matt21 - 7/7/15 at 06:50 AM



I just need to glue some mesh to the inside and sort some out for the nose cone

Done using a Dremel 4000 with flexy attachment, cutting disc and sanding ring

40inches - 7/7/15 at 09:38 AM

Originally posted by Matt21


I just need to glue some mesh to the inside and sort some out for the nose cone

Done using a Dremel 4000 with flexy attachment, cutting disc and sanding ring

That's a cracking job Grommet
What was the Sphincter Rating when cutting either side of the narrow section? Looks like you tired out your Garage Dog.