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cycle wings
bigfoot4616 - 5/1/15 at 08:57 PM

the cycle wings on my striker need replacing. just spent a few hours searching for some but not really got anywhere yet.
i would really like something like i have now but am struggling to find any as long.

i've been looking at these

anyone using them? or something similar? could do with some pics showing how they fit with 13" wheels.

jacko - 5/1/15 at 09:11 PM

What about the wings MNR fit to there cars


[Edited on 5/1/15 by jacko]

bigfoot4616 - 5/1/15 at 09:44 PM

whats the size of the MNR ones, there's nothing on there website. lip also looks quite big? making wheel changing awkward?

just had a quick measure up, the ones in the link from kitcardirect are to short really.

bombero - 6/1/15 at 07:26 AM

I know he doesn't come on here, but drop Andy at the Scottish Kitcar Centre an email on: or visit his website at:

It doesn't seem to list the specific type of cycle wing that you're looking for but I'm sure I've seen them there when I've visited. Tell him Rab sent you.

fesycresy - 6/1/15 at 08:54 AM

Give Julian a ring at Aerodynamix, I think he's made a few longer ones.


bigfoot4616 - 6/1/15 at 06:03 PM

cheers, will give those a try.