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Aluminium Polish
Andi - 29/11/14 at 09:58 PM

What do you folks use on your aly panels?
It would be nice to have a mirror type shine but I imagine that would take forever and would need doing every other week.
So what do you use?


AdrianH - 29/11/14 at 10:47 PM

I used to use solvoautosol, then would use AutoGlym resin polish.

A real pain when they use grit salt in the winter.

But it took lots and lots and lots of work, In the end the panels were sprayed silver!


steve m - 29/11/14 at 10:47 PM

i could tell, you, but why should I ?

907 - 30/11/14 at 08:18 AM

I use an electric polisher with a sponge mop and Solvol Autosol.

A couple of weeks back I removed the scuttle to fit the new screen as the one in this old photo is cracked.
Also fitted the wipers, washers, and demister vents.

It's the last bit to polish so before re-assembly I gave it the bling coat. The took polishing took me about an hour and a half.
If there's a sunny day in the near future I'll roll it out for an up to date photo shoot.

It's not everyones cup of tea. Each to there own I say.

Paul G



The Black Flash - 30/11/14 at 05:32 PM

I polished mine up with a drill-mounted polishing kit (with 3 mops, the kind you see everywhere on ebay and the like). That took ages, like a whole week of evenings. Then I've been using meguires "metal polysh" on top, followed by a sealant, and it's not tarnished up yet. Not too bad to keep on top of, once you get that initial polish into it I think. I think I've done it twice since august, the polish and sealant seem to protect it pretty well.
A proper mop like Paul G's looks much easier though!

ETA - the finish on your car looks amazing Paul

[Edited on 30/11/14 by The Black Flash]

Andi - 30/11/14 at 06:28 PM

ETA - the finish on your car looks amazing Paul

Just going to buy a cheapo silverline one from Toolstation in the hope it does nearly as good. 46329959063&gclid=COz67Jz6osICFQjKtAodhkoAdQ


907 - 30/11/14 at 08:26 PM

Thanks for the complements chaps.

As for the Silverline I see no reason why it shouldn't do the job.

My Makita is 1100w, speeds 600 to 3000 so more or less the same.
It has some sort of circuit that if set on say 900 it stays at that speed regardless of the load.

With the almost liquid Solo Autocycle I start on setting 2 (900) and seldom go higher than 3 (1500).
Higher speeds then it just flings off and sprays everywhere.

The key item is a hard sponge. The soft ones break up and are only good for car paintwork.
To get the initial oxide layer off I use a white one I got from Sealey then go on to the orange ones.

Hope this helps.
Paul G

Sealey foam head part number PTC/CH/M14-Y

[Edited on 30/11/14 by 907]