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CSR Style/Flat Top Rear Arches
Carbonman - 26/9/14 at 03:52 PM


I am working on some new CSR Style Rear Arches. Although the are intended to be more practical than aesthetic I would still like to get an idea of how they will actually look fitted to a car. Is there anyone local'ish to OL14 willing to do a trial fit, someone mid way through a build perhaps.

Thanks in advance. Warren

austin man - 26/9/14 at 09:34 PM

local to where ??

PAUL FISHER - 26/9/14 at 10:13 PM

He is based in Todmorden Andy, or "Tod" if your a local, I stopped there last year for a week at the Queens Hotel when I was on a CPC course up there.

Carbonman - 27/9/14 at 05:57 AM

Yep Tod, West Yorkshire. I'm five minutes from the Queens