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RAW Striker Wing Stays
peter030371 - 9/7/14 at 01:19 PM

I am little puzzled with my RAW Striker at the moment. This is a previously built (and SVA'd) car that has been completely stripped and re-powder coated. I am now (slowly) putting it back together.

The front suspension and steering is all done and the other day I put some build wheels on.....that's odd I thought why are my front wing stays pointing in silly directions. They say a picture speaks a thousand words so here are a few.

Wing stays 1
Wing stays 1

Wing stays 2
Wing stays 2

and with a wing just rested on top it all sits some what pissed....

Wing stays 3
Wing stays 3

Have I missed something? Are the wing stays handed an I have fitted them to the wrong uprights (can't see this myself)?

Just to prove it was built before this was it when Lynsey (the previous owner) started to strip it down.


Have any other Striker builders on here had to cut and re-shape the wing stays before?

loggyboy - 9/7/14 at 01:25 PM

They look bent. Mine are flush with the back edge of the tyre and the wing mount parts are horizontal and parallel over the tyres.

peter030371 - 9/7/14 at 01:42 PM

That's what I thought, have you got any pictures?

loggyboy - 9/7/14 at 03:15 PM

Just trawled though the build diary archive and this was all I could find.

But have this of a car in Raws Factory I took:

peter030371 - 9/7/14 at 03:33 PM

As I feared mine are nothing like that......Guess its time to strip down the front end, cut them off, re-weld, re-powder coat etc

ian locostzx9rc2 - 9/7/14 at 03:59 PM

Cannt you just bend them a bit?

peter030371 - 9/7/14 at 04:09 PM

Originally posted by ian locostzx9rc2
Cannt you just bend them a bit?

I wish I could but they need to go several inches, if it was 10-20mm maybe but this is going to need a lot of bending.....I will get a welder friend to come and have a look at the weekend and see what we can do

loggyboy - 9/7/14 at 04:30 PM

Could they have been bent when with the powder coaters? Could you take it back to them? Or was it done prior to your ownership?

Smoking Frog - 9/7/14 at 05:13 PM

If they fitted correctly before they must be right. Maybe just a case of the build wheels having a big different offset. Try the original wheels.

peter030371 - 10/7/14 at 08:48 AM

Didn't get a chance to read the messages last night.

>Could they have been bent when with the powder coaters?
The tubes that come up from the stub axle are straight just welded on at a pissed angle. I might be able to get away with cutting a notch out of them, bending them over and then welding up the notch.

>If they fitted correctly before they must be right. Maybe just a case of the build wheels having a big different offset. Try the original >wheels.
I am using the original wheels as my build wheels (but will be changing them to Team Dynamics wheels very soon). I never got to see the original car so I don't know how well they fitted then.

I think before I do anything drastic I need to get my final wheels so I can make sure any changes are spot on for them.