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Dzus Fastener what minumum thickness
welderman - 10/5/13 at 08:57 AM


I want to fix my nose cone to the car but as its carbon its very thin unlike the grp one that was on previously, can Dzus fasners be used on approx 1mm thick material ?

If so which one do i need to get.

cerbera - 10/5/13 at 10:26 AM

The dzus fasteners used on the bonnet of my Phoenix are this type


and as such I don't think it matters on the thickness of the item they're fastening.


[Edited on 10/5/13 by cerbera]

welderman - 10/5/13 at 10:40 AM

Wondered how they will work on thin stuff though as the metal plate has the depressed center, so would this not need to be flatter.

Or would i need to thinken up the thickness of the carbon where its fitting

cerbera - 10/5/13 at 10:53 AM

As I see it, though will stand corrected, all you need to do is drill a hole in your carbon big enough to house the depressed part of the dzus fastener then rivet the flat part of the plate flush to you nose cone. Well as flush as the thickness of the place that is. I'd fit a washer to the rear of the rivets though so it has something firm to pull on to and spread the load.
Then you'll need to fashion a bracket from you chassis to house the other part of the dzus.

[Edited on 10/5/13 by cerbera]

Bluemoon - 10/5/13 at 11:06 AM

They come in a range of types (springs and fasteners) to suit different thickness’s. Google may find the info you need if not drop me a U2U I am sure I downloaded a document sometime ago. You can always space the spring away to compensate (washers/shim ect)...

Get the thickness to far out and they break or don't stay fastened...


[Edited on 10/5/13 by Bluemoon]

[Edited on 10/5/13 by Bluemoon]

Doctor Derek Doctors - 10/5/13 at 11:56 AM

Honestly mate, I wouldn't bother.

I tried to use DZUS fasterners for The Life-Taker nose cone and it was more trouble than it was worth, trying to get the right offset for the pin and the spring and get it all lined up is a right pain.

In the end I used M5 Flanged Dome heads screws through the nose into rivnuts in the plates on the chassis instead of the DZUS set-up, they hold it much much more securely, are cheaper, can be adjusted more easily and with my handy flip out Allen key set can be removed almost as quickly as DZUS.

In the end I used DZUS only to attach the bonnet and that was a ball ache. The Aero benfits of DZUS are also completely wasted on a Seven.

RK - 10/5/13 at 04:46 PM

I hVe done the same. They are so hard to turn once installed that it is ultimately easier to use bolts. I have never discovered the tricks to installing them correctl
y obviously

Doctor Derek Doctors - 10/5/13 at 04:50 PM

Originally posted by RK
I hVe done the same. They are so hard to turn once installed that it is ultimately easier to use bolts. I have never discovered the tricks to installing them correctl
y obviously

I think the trick is just having loads and loads of time to spend fettling them and plenty of experience.

welderman - 10/5/13 at 05:03 PM

Thought is give it a go as I've hog the fasteners. Drilled a bigger Holme in nose and came up with a nifty solution with the spring and back plate. Will post some pictures up Monday now.

Thanks for the relpys chappies. Thanks.