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bonnet fasteners
bikkel - 28/7/04 at 07:01 AM


what type of bonnet fasteners is being used ?
can a dzus fastener / quarter turn fastener be used for this?
any foto's / partnrs appreciated


koen de jong

David Jenkins - 28/7/04 at 07:31 AM

Basically, most things work! I've seen dzus fasteners used (although the owner thought that they were fiddly to fasten), 2-part latches made in metal and/or rubber, and so on.

Your only real work is if you plan to get the car SVA'd in the UK, in which case you have to be careful about sharp edges. Mine are made of nylon reinforced rubber with no edges to worry about - others have used metal fixing and put little covers over them.



Mark Allanson - 28/7/04 at 06:24 PM

I think most of are using the rubber and stainless type available from CBS Rescued attachment RHF Side.jpg
Rescued attachment RHF Side.jpg