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Aeroscreen good for Stuart Taylor?
Alez - 31/5/04 at 08:05 AM


I want to have one of these sent (Spain), but I need to make sure that everything will go smoothly when it arrives and I fit it.

Possible options? Lolocost: they don't send bits. Stuart Taylor: they used to have one, but it's not advertised on their website anymore. Sent an email, got no response (as usual). Mac #1: not sure if it fits? Sent an email today but they may not know.

Stuart Taylor owners around, what have you done?? BTW, I see there are specific forum sections for MK, GTS, Luego and so on, not sure why there isn't one for the ST, I thought it was one of the main chassis manufacturers (?).


tom_loughlin - 31/5/04 at 08:21 AM

im going to try Jon Sharples at Shawspeed- have a look at this pic to see what you think

not sure about postage though.
hope this helps


Alez - 31/5/04 at 08:42 AM

Thanks Tom, I'm looking for a screen rather than a moulded scuttle, reason is I currently have a normal dashboard I'd like to keep, also a screen should give slightly better protection (?) Good luck fitting the scuttle to the GTS, in my opoinion it looks fantastic.

phelpsa - 31/5/04 at 08:48 AM

I am going up to Stuart Taylor tomorrow. I will ask Ian if he still does an aeroscreen for you.

Alez - 31/5/04 at 09:33 AM

Much appreciated, Adam, many thanks.

phelpsa - 31/5/04 at 11:22 AM

They do advertise an aeroscreen. £20. 26th one from the bottom:


Alez - 31/5/04 at 11:43 AM

Originally posted by phelpsa
They do advertise an aeroscreen. £20. 26th one from the bottom:


They do indeed, I thought they had removed it but it's still there. I guess I should give them a ring but I don't quite understand why they don't use email, it's so much more convenient for telling them credit card details, postal address and so on. Maybe they don't want to send it and they just ignored me?

Brooky - 31/5/04 at 08:44 PM

Alez i have one of Ians aero screen and cant fault it, i recently gave a test drive to a mate looking to buy a 7 type and he said there was less buffet than in some full screen cars he had been in.
probably due to wind leaking in around the side of the full screen.
pic attached (hopefuly)
I personally would never ever ever send credit card details via email. They can get lost etc and you never know who is at the other end to read them. I would send a cheque myself - you also have proof they have cashed it.
just my 2 p's worth mind. Rescued attachment 3000 miles later front.jpg
Rescued attachment 3000 miles later front.jpg

Alez - 1/6/04 at 07:09 AM

Many thanks for the valuable advice which I'll follow, Brooky.

Adam, did you finally see Ian yesterday?


phelpsa - 1/6/04 at 06:29 PM

I found Ian very helpful. Yep, he does do an aeroscreen. His telephone did seem very busy (he was on it nearly all the time I was there), but not so much on email.


Jasper - 1/6/04 at 06:52 PM

I've got a Mach#1 screen, cheap at £20ish and will fit most I woud think. Picture in my archive - last pics.

Call Mark on 0114 2619 633

Alez - 2/6/04 at 07:45 AM

Cheers guys.

I contacted Mark by email, he was unsure about if their screen would fit a Stuart Taylor but today I received and email that he will be able to have a look since he has a ST coming in this weekend for tuning. Sounds like a possibility

lord dave - 4/6/04 at 11:24 AM

do aero screens actualy reduce the wind at all basicly im asking are they ne good.