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Aeroscreen Angles
TPG - 28/4/04 at 08:09 PM

I'm about to start trialing different mounting angles on the 'screens I've fitted to the car.I have 2 pieces of Lexan approx'14" long by 4'' high.Ends of each are heavyly raduised,about 3".One either side.They are leaning back about 15-20 degrees from vertical.And each one starts on the centreline(!?)then draws back towards the rear.Think blunt arrow head when viewed from above.Over 50mph theres alot of wind buffit(More than expected).I'm going to try them in a straight line 1st,and square the ends off.Thoughts and clean sujestions please so I can improve it without to many holes in the scuttle.(P.s.Already had the "it needs a proper windowscreen and a roof and doors and carpets.That'll keep the noise down."advice from my wife.Ignored.)I can then address the problem Chris(Ed locost) once aired at Ackworth one night."....the multichanger keeps jumping."Thanks in advance.

Mark Allanson - 29/4/04 at 06:06 PM

Someone must know or have an opinion, I'm interested too!

Dale - 29/4/04 at 06:21 PM

I thought I replied to this already yesterday but I dont see it. Are you going for a split windscreen? If not it could be worth considering. It is in the plans for my build. I cant remember the rake or angle of the split right now but pretty sure the rake was around 40deg and the sides back around 6 inches from the middle post.
To get rid of more buffeting I plan on also having a lexan/plexiglass window filling up the space inside the roll bar.

Kitlooney1000 - 29/4/04 at 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Dale
To get rid of more buffeting I plan on also having a lexan/plexiglass window filling up the space inside the roll bar.

Not meaning to take the micheal. but 'Air Brake' springs to mind. Wont that slow the car down a bit. Even at 50 that would increase the fuel consumption surely

TPG - 29/4/04 at 07:47 PM

It could be called a split screen really.There's about a gap of 3" in the middle though.I'll try to put a photo on here tommorrow(currently at work)and see what peple think.How it can be improved.I know it is considered "eyeline"for the hieght as a rule of thumb.Its how far over to the side of the car in relation to centre line of the driver and how far away from the driver sort of sience I am trying to fathom...

TPG - 30/4/04 at 09:11 AM

I've attached pictures of the screens for considerationIf they aren't here please look in my photo achive....Your thoughts please. Rescued attachment Sreen1004.jpg
Rescued attachment Sreen1004.jpg

TPG - 30/4/04 at 09:15 AM

Kin 'ell !Managed to get a photo up.So here's another. Rescued attachment Sreen1002.jpg
Rescued attachment Sreen1002.jpg

Dale - 30/4/04 at 11:45 AM

I did not realize that you where going with screens (If my translation is correct) Unfortunatly they are not legal here in Canada as far as I know. I assumed a full raked windshield so the back glass in the roll bar would definately not work for you as you wont have nearly the curling back effect of a full windshield. Have you looked at the screen mounts used on the marlin line such as the sportster. Pretty sure they have a variable rake which may let a little of the air pressure infront of the screen come undernieth it and lower the buffetting.
I like the effect your getting though.

Spyderman - 30/4/04 at 12:13 PM

Those are called aero screens and are usualy mounted onto an adjustable bracket so that they can be angled to suit. As they can be folded down if necessary the height is not important as they don't require wipers.
The angle across the scuttle looks ok to me though.


Cita - 2/5/04 at 05:46 AM

The angle the two aero screens (viewing from above)make is to big.A more shallow angle (closer to straight ?)will improve wind turbulence significantly.
As it is now,you actually have two wind streams gliding over the edges of the screens and banging in to each other presumely about where your face is!
Flatten the angle (when viewed from above) between the two screens will reduce the "collision angle".
The angle to wich the screens are leaning backwards is directly related to speed to messure effectiveness.
The idea of having a windscreen between the rollbar is'nt so bad at all and even a narrow sheet,from the top to about shoulder height will improve wind buffeting inside the cockpit.

TPG - 2/5/04 at 05:08 PM

Thanks for the pionters,I'll try the striaght job 1st as it makes sense now it has been explained.Many thanks.