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CKC Subscription
mistergrumpy - 16/9/08 at 07:12 PM

Here's the story and I just wondered if it was me being a whining sod.
I have a subscription to CKC magazine because I think its more 'friendly' than the others. It keeps you up to date with manufacturers and their projects to the point that you could approach them at a show and hold a good conversation. I like the readers builds and development articles and I look forward to receiving my magazine each month.
Here's my gripe. I went to the Stafford show on Saturday and there on the CKC stand was Octobers issue. I have to wait till Friday to receive mine and it didn't make sense to buy one at the show.
I think it was a bit of a swizz. I pay money up front and get my copy a week after its available to non subscribers! Where's the loyalty there?

chris_smith - 16/9/08 at 07:21 PM

i see what your saying but the whole idea of the magazine being at the show is to create more sales and they arent going to succeed by having out of date issues for sale that the majority of people will already have bought and read

mistergrumpy - 16/9/08 at 08:51 PM

Feels like that bank advert. New comers get the big fat juicy worm rate but now that you're in the net you're being taken off that rate.
If they had a show a week after the latest issue had been published then they would have to place an old issue on display.
I think I am being a whining swine but it just bugs me. I had it with a magazine I used used to get, 'Practical Mechanics'. That used to reach the shelves of WHSmith well before I got mine through the door.
My subscription renewal's due around Christmas again so unless it's significantly cheaper then I think I may just buy it as and when it hits the shops.
^Message to CKC that one as I know they read this forum ^

Fozzie - 16/9/08 at 11:19 PM

Oooooo Mr are deffo being a 'grumpy george'......

Whilst in a way I see your point.... CKC are a business, and they have to 'market' their product....they are quite new to the kit car mag world, and they have to get themselves known...

If they do not market their product, they don't get 'new' sales/subscriptions...... therefore their product wont grow, and thus not be viable...if the product doesn't grow, then it could mean another business going to the wall.......

I have only ever seen one copy of CKC, given to me after spending a few hours with the delightful Adam......

I have not been able to purchase it anywhere around these parts, so I will have to subscribe......
I am sure that CKC do not do many shows? so I don't think you were being 'done', they probably just got a stack from the publishers to 'market' before the publishers sent them for distribution.......

Just my view and IMHO of course!.....


violentblue - 17/9/08 at 01:47 PM

I was subscrived to one VW magasine or other years ago, but it bothered me that I could buy next months magasine at the news stand before I got this months in the mail, ended up with doubles of a couple months.
subscription ended and I didn'r renew.
it really is a poor business practice considering they depend on subscriptions to keep them afloat.
really it ought to be the other way around if you want to encourage people to subscribe.

AdamCKC - 28/10/08 at 05:01 PM


Yes you are correct we do read the forums! As you would expect any good company to do!

My name is Justin (via Adams profile!) and I run the subscriptions for CKC (I am the one in the daft hat at the shows covering my bald patch!)

I would like to address your comments regarding the magazine at the show at Stafford.

Our magazine is produced to appear in the shops and with subscribers by the third Friday of every month. This means that it is with us by the second Friday of every month. We then post to subscribers on the Monday and Tuesday of the following week via Royal Mail. This means that when a show falls on the second weekend of the month, we have the opportunity to take the magazine to the show ahead of its on-sale date in the shops. As you can see this can only physically happen when the show (not in our control) falls perfectly and is in no way a deliberate (as suggested) ploy to weedle new subscribers in on a 'big fat juicy worm rate' You have to take my word for this but we do genuinely care about our subscribers and have implemented a number of ideas and are in the process of doing even more.

Having said all of this, if someone came up and presented me with their CKC Subs Club card (as proof of membership) and really couldn't wait for their copy I would simply give them their copy at the show! (Obviously only applies to the shows where the mag arrives prior to mailing)

As regards the price of a subscription to CKC. I must make issue with this as it is less now than in 2004 under the old owners of Which Kit? who charged £45 (we currently charge £40) We are also by far and away the cheapest magazine in the industry per copy and believe that our content/value speaks for itself in comparison. On another issue with the shows, we even offer subscribers the chance to renew at the £35 as a bonus for them taking the time and trouble to visit us and we like to see you all! I can't imagine any other magazine offering the discounted price to existing customers as this is normally only available to 'brand new customers only' LOL This works out at £2.91 per issue as opposed to £3.95 and includes the postage and packing so is significantly cheaper than buying CKC in the shops - the reason I am slightly touchy is that when we first started the new mag this was one of the issues we discussed and realised we would need to be clear about.

I hope this clears up any confusion or gripe. We need subscribers as they help us reinvest in the magazine and in our small but beautiful niche industry. Contrary to all beliefs and misconceptions we are not going to be millionaires running CKC but that's not why we do it!

thanks for your time


PS I am writing this in direct response to the forum and not as a plug for the magazine.

Peteff - 28/10/08 at 08:22 PM

I don't subscribe to any magazines but I used to and to me the point of subscription was that it cost less and I didn't have to go to the shop to buy it. If someone is paying up to a pound more for it and willing to get off their @rse to fetch it they deserve to get it earlier I think

mistergrumpy - 28/10/08 at 11:38 PM

Well. What other magazine gives a personal response like that!
I suppose I can't complain at such a thorough explanation and as I said I do like the more personal approach you give through the magazine so I'll just have to shut up from now on
I do look forward to getting my issue, so much so that I usually drive off down to McDonalds, get some grub and sit in the corner of the car park in peace avoiding all the chavs I might add.
In response at you not wanting to plug your magazine, then I've no qualms in doing so myself. Complete Kit Car, the best Kit car magazine by far.
Cheers all.

DarrenW - 29/10/08 at 11:56 AM

As Pete says the only reason ive subscribed to mags before is for a bulk discount and no need to go to shops to fetch it. I think it used to be a bonus that subscribers got theirs first rather than a strategy by the magazines. Problem is that this bonus is now more or less expected by subscribers. That said im sure there will be some high street outlets close to teh distribution point that may get there copies on the shelves fairly close to when the subscribed copies are mailed out and thus there will always be cases where monthly buyers may be lucky and get theres at the same time or maybe a day earlier.

As for the shows, id be as bold to say that if a magazine had new copies available it wouldnt make any sense at all to take the previous months to market their product as a lot of potential buyers may already have it. No harm in attracting some new sales and potential subscriptions. If anything this just means they can continue there excellent work and provide all readers with continued good content due to the additional revenue they work so hard to promote.

RK - 30/10/08 at 02:14 AM

Since it isn't sold here, I can say I get it before anyone else in town!! And although it's expensive, it's the best mag I've ever read.