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5 Years means 5 Years
mistergrumpy - 20/6/08 at 10:43 AM

Just read this
Very briefly father finds gun and bullets in sons bedroom and dobs him into the police. This carries a 5 year minimal sentence but stupid a**e hole of a solicitor is arguing it with this
"Possession of a handgun carries a mandatory five year jail term - but Metcalfe's lawyer, Hugh Barton, pleaded with Judge Christopher Cornwall to make an exception.

He said the five-year minimum term was "purely deterrent" but in this case it would not be a deterrent because Metcalfe has learnt his lesson.

Metcalfe has no previous convictions and was put under pressure and intimidated into minding the weapon, Mr Barton said.

In such a case five years would be "arbitrary and disproportionate", he added.

And he said a five-year term for Metcalfe could actually deter other people from informing police on their loved ones if they found a firearm belonging to their son or father.

Tell me honestly how the 5 years imprisonment is not a deterrent to this lad? Yes, damn right he's sorry now and says he's learnt his lesson. That'll be because he's been sodding well caught 5 years would be "...disproportionate" you're telling me! Much like a hoover is for hoovering, a gun is only for killing so there's conspiracy to kill there I reckon. How can this d***head of a solicitor stand in front of a court and argue for this little sh1t. No morals at all. I wonder if he'd change his mind if the gun were shoved into he's face.
I'm off to the garage to hit things and listen to angry music grrr

chris_smith - 20/6/08 at 12:31 PM

its only a deterent if it does just that, and actually "deters" (spelling) you from doing it in the first place, which it didnt so bang him up for 8 yrs instead, the justice system in this country is pathetic, zero tolerance should be brought in and stamp out the idiots that believe they can get away with anything they want. sorry rant over

Jasper - 20/6/08 at 01:31 PM

He still got 3 yrs if that makes you feel better

mistergrumpy - 20/6/08 at 02:03 PM

Yeah heard it on the radio earlier which means he'll do 18 months. No, that's just crap. Why have a 'mandatory' sentence when the judges don't have the spine to issue it. Pish!
And to rub it in the radio was playing the Clash, "I fought the law and the law won" not in this bloody case!

MikeRJ - 20/6/08 at 04:45 PM

To be honest I don't think this is a particularly bad result. The papers are full of way more lenient sentences for scum that assault people, steal cars, burgle houses etc.

mistergrumpy - 20/6/08 at 04:53 PM

18 months for possession of a gun and ammo? And make no mistakes it will be 18 months. There's a near identical case in Mnachester where a 15 year old was carrying the gun on the street though and he's only done 18 months of a 3 year sentence. Even his father has stated that he's unhappy with the sentence. It's a fact that a lot of these weapons can be traced back through ballistics and residual gases and they can generally be attributed to other shootings and their travels can be traced.

JUD - 20/6/08 at 06:25 PM

Agree on the sentence - crap and won't deter anybody.

Something that is even more crap is why couldn't the Dad deal with his own son. Why has it got to the point where his kid is holding a gun - no matter what the circumstances of people pressuring him into it.

I know I live in leafy middle England now but I grew up in the less than leafy suburbs of East London. If I had taken a gun home and got found by my Dad I would have had seven barrels of sh1t knocked out of me - so would the person that gave me gun to hold. That was more of a deterrent than the police or prison. Also there was the understanding of right and wrong and the desire not to let your family down and to make them proud of you.

My son is 14 - he is fully aware that the people he needs to keep on the right side of is his Mum and Dad. To him the notion of p1ssing us off is more than enough to keep him on the straight and narrow. Respect and knowing right from wrong is just lacking nowadays. I don't condone violence or anything like that, but a solid clip round the ear by a parent, teacher or copper never did me any harm - neither does the notion of respect which is the basis of everything your behaviour is. Respect for yourself and respect for others and their property.

Hmm - just re-read this. I do sound a lot like my Father!!

Rant over...

mistergrumpy - 20/6/08 at 06:45 PM

The lad lives with his mum. Her and his dd are separated. This lad had the good common sense (!) to show one of his neighbours and his sisters boyfriend the bullets so they duly let his dad know. Presumably his mam doesn't give a monkeys. His dad went round to his bedroom and found the bullets and duly rang the police. They came round and searched the house and found the gun hidden in a sofa bed. Queue hands together behind his back.
Was on the news earlier and apparently since this 'mandatory' sentence came in only 40% of such cases have received it. Even the government ministers are wondering what's happened but the judges say leave it to them to judge and administer the sentence accordingly.
Sounds just like a carpet fitter who's only covered 3/4's of the floor. But he knows best eh? He'd be sacked in minutes but these judges are getting away with it?

locogeoff - 21/6/08 at 10:41 PM

Originally posted by mistergrumpy
How can this d***head of a solicitor stand in front of a court and argue for this little sh1t. No morals at all. I wonder if he'd change his mind if the gun were shoved into he's face.

That's a thing that always gets my backup as well, but it is his job to get the most leanient sentence possible for his client, we have to accept that, as the prospect of this process not happening is not good overall.

RK - 22/6/08 at 02:21 AM

The angriest, best music I've ever heard comes from "Blood for Blood", a Boston, Mass. band that is well and truly pissed off. Do a search for "Some Kind of Hate". It's not a bunch of yelling into the mic either, it's actually good.

MikeRJ - 22/6/08 at 11:27 AM

Originally posted by mistergrumpy
18 months for possession of a gun and ammo?

I'm in no way defending this person, but at least he got jail time, and there is no evidence he's actually killed anyone. There are far more lenient sentences handed out that would be more worthy of your vented spleen IMO.

[Edited on 22/6/08 by MikeRJ]

mistergrumpy - 22/6/08 at 11:54 AM

True of course but my point really is why have these so called 'mandatory sentences' but then not use them not so much the crime itself. The crime itself is a subject close to me though as it is almost a mirror case of a lad I know through work which had the same sentence. Except he was carrying the thing around the streets, loaded!