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learn chinese in 5 minutes
omega0684 - 29/4/08 at 07:18 PM

if you are ever stuck out in the far east, here are 10 helpful phrases that might just get you by.........

1) Thats not right
(Sum Ting Wong)

2) See me ASAP
(Kum Hia Nao)

3) Thats a tiny pony
(Datta Tai Ni Po Ni)

4) U need a face lift
(Ur Chin Tu Fat)

5) I thought you were on a diet
(Wai Yu Mun Ching)

6) Hes cleaning the car
(Wa Shing Da Ka)

7) Your body odour is offensive
(Yu Stin Ki Pu!)

8) This is a tow zone
(No Pah King)

9) Stupid Man
(Dum Fuk)

10) Thats Great!
(Fa King Su Par)

made me chuckle!