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Any Dentists Here?
mistergrumpy - 17/3/08 at 11:05 PM

Are there any dentists on here? I've got an upper wisdom tooth pushing through. Seems to push a bit every so often but its coming through squint like the other did on the other side and its cutting my cheek,limiting my gob movement (no loss there!) and I seem to be getting kinda cheek ache and a pain behind my ear. I just wanted to know if a dentist would pull it as its only maybe 1mm through. Don't want to have to pay a dentist a load of money for them to turn me around within a minute and say no. I put up with the other one for years before having it pulled (was rotten) and I'm kinda in two minds to do again but its pissing me off summat chronic. Any ideas?

Confused but excited. - 17/3/08 at 11:30 PM

Ouch, sorry to hear that.
I have removed a few teeth in my time, but feel that in this instance, I am not qualified to pass an opinion.

mistergrumpy - 18/3/08 at 12:45 AM

You know I might have tried to remove it myself.Just keep at it slowly,it'll only hurt for a short time and lot but I saw how deep rooted the last one was. I don't think I stand a chance

Mr Whippy - 18/3/08 at 09:26 AM

Go to a pub where there's a bikers convention and shout “THIS IS A HOLD UP!”, they'll remove it for you

[Edited on 18/3/08 by Mr Whippy]

iank - 18/3/08 at 09:53 AM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Go to a pub where there's a bikers convention and shout “THIS IS A HOLD UP!”, they'll remove it for you

[Edited on 18/3/08 by Mr Whippy]

Or 'Who's Harley did I just knock over'
Personally I'd go to a Dentist and have it pulled.

mistergrumpy - 18/3/08 at 10:45 AM

Aye but will they pull it with it only protruding so little?

iank - 18/3/08 at 11:06 AM

Originally posted by mistergrumpy
Aye but will they pull it with it only protruding so little?

Don't see why not if it's causing pain, my dentist seem quite disappointed when mine came through and had to admit that 'it looks like there's enough room for them'

Aren't they paid per procedure these day? if so pulling a tooth is putting the Merc on the drive as it were.

Mr Whippy - 18/3/08 at 11:15 AM

Originally posted by mistergrumpy
Aye but will they pull it with it only protruding so little?

not a problem, he'll use one of these...

ho ho ho Rescued attachment dentist.jpg
Rescued attachment dentist.jpg

matt_claydon - 18/3/08 at 11:57 AM

Extractions are actually quite cheap compared to other things (like the root canal I recently had to pay for ) I'm lucky to pay NHS rates but these are the private rates for my dentist:
Extraction is £40 or £60.

thomas4age - 19/3/08 at 08:50 PM

believe me if it starts hurting bad, it obviously isn't yet cause you wouldn't be able to type at all. you'd whish you'd had payed a dentist to remove it.

i've had my fair share of meetings with the man in white, and still happy I know him.

grtz thomas

Macbeast - 19/3/08 at 08:55 PM

It'll start hurting at 6pm on Friday with the whole weekend before you

Get it done now! You know you want to.

mistergrumpy - 19/3/08 at 11:21 PM

Aye I do want it done. Its on a bit of a calm at the mo. Went to the local dentist yesterday who said they were private and to contact NHS. I said I just want the tooth looking at and pulling if poss. No can do, busy and can't find a price list anyhow. Righto, so I rings NHS line who says the only one near me isn't open till 1st April but if I'm in pain try the emergency number. Righto! I've been turned away from here once they told me they were only for kids. Finally got through after phone was engaged to be told they're full and to ring after quarter past 5. Pish to that, I'm busy, got a car to build.
You're probably right it'll flair again over the bank holiday. I've been up all night with it in the past and nearly took my file to it Still, I find beer helps a lot

zilspeed - 22/3/08 at 07:55 AM

A modern dentist - like the ones we have now, not the butchers of our youth -can pull a root with no tooth left protruding. How they do it, I do not know, but they most certainly can. If they can do that, your wisdom tooth is a walk on the park.

Get thee to the dentist.

eznfrank - 22/3/08 at 08:38 AM

If you want it done on the cheap and you aint registered with a dentist some of the universities do work for free. Not sure about anywhere else but Leeds has one, you just rock up and some spotty student will whip it out for you (under supervision of a proper dentist of course).

zilspeed - 22/3/08 at 10:12 AM

In Glasgow, it's under the supervision of a maxillofacial surgeon.

I went there once and they found a cyst inside my sinus cavities which my GP had been attempting to treat unsuccesfully for maybe 15 years.

Well well worth trying.