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what on earth is this?
novacaine - 28/1/08 at 05:14 PM

Just having a browse on the bay of e and stumbled across this....

Link to eBay auction

i think it denys the point in a rally car, as in going over the snow rather than under it....


[Edited on 28/1/08 by novacaine]

t.j. - 28/1/08 at 05:53 PM

poo scoop?

DarrenW - 29/1/08 at 09:48 AM

Thats truly amazing - allows a focus to do 196.6mph.

02GF74 - 29/1/08 at 10:47 AM

have you folks not heard of aerodynamics?

fit one of those to a 7 nose gone and you gain at least 10 mph top speed.

be useful for the alloy allone at the current price.

novacaine - 30/1/08 at 05:53 PM

at the current price it would be good to bolt it up to a mates focus and see if they notice