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CalvinX is still here
Hellfire - 29/12/07 at 07:20 PM

During the past month, I have noticed some strange coincidences in the posts of a certain member on here. I have been watching his posts for a while to confirm my suspicions and I reckon I can now safely say that CalvinX is still with us on Locostbuilders under a pseudonym.

There are one or two members that already know he's still here, yet respond to him in a way that will protect his identity. (Or so they thought )

Any guesses?


oadamo - 29/12/07 at 07:25 PM

its you ban him

Mr Whippy - 29/12/07 at 07:25 PM

I'd be amazed if he wasn't, off the top of my head I can't think who it is but I did see someone who sounded much like him.

I don't mind at all if he came back, it seems quiet

oh go on, do tell

[Edited on 29/12/07 by Mr Whippy]

Howlor - 29/12/07 at 07:33 PM

Like the Stig!

bigrich - 29/12/07 at 07:49 PM

I thought he was here a while ago but remaining "A Nonny Mouse"

Mr Whippy - 29/12/07 at 07:52 PM

what did he do with his car? last I heard the back end snapped, did he take it with him to cypris?

dave-69isit - 29/12/07 at 07:54 PM

nothing wrong with saying what you think if we all thourght the same it would be a dull place to be

Hellfire - 29/12/07 at 08:08 PM

Mmmm, I kind of agree with you, unless of course your thoughts are abusive, offensive, rude, or derogatory.


imp paul - 29/12/07 at 08:09 PM

mark never left

Hellfire - 29/12/07 at 08:11 PM

CalvinX did and took all his posts with him....


Mr Whippy - 29/12/07 at 08:14 PM

The significance of the giant yellow imp eludes me

imp paul - 29/12/07 at 08:15 PM

don't be silly lol if i had to explain you wont understand

[Edited on 29/12/07 by imp paul]

Mr Whippy - 29/12/07 at 08:24 PM

nope, still eludes me, unless he's gone into imps now...perhaps I need a coffee

donut - 29/12/07 at 08:25 PM

is it me?

matt.c - 29/12/07 at 08:26 PM

Originally posted by donut
is it me?

Or is it me?

[Edited on 29/12/07 by matt.c]

Dangle_kt - 29/12/07 at 08:30 PM

I dont know what the history is, but I'd rather have more knowledgable people on here, rather than less.

I dont really understand it when people get mad at forums, I just dont read peoples posts if I don't want to. Works for me.

Mr Whippy - 29/12/07 at 08:36 PM

Ignoring the imp conundrum as I’m really too tired…

It would be nice if the person who starts a thread could delete any posts made on it, that way if someone starts an argument etc. etc. they could simply be removed (barred) from the discussion, they would soon get fed up getting deleted and go away, thus problem solved.

[Edited on 29/12/07 by Mr Whippy]

speedyxjs - 29/12/07 at 08:45 PM

I recon its whippy

omega 24 v6 - 29/12/07 at 08:52 PM

Who is it then????????
Mr Whippy Marks car was sold and is still in the area around us here.
I spoke to him last week in sunny land (lucky barsteward) and he's getting on fine. No mention of Locostbuilders though. He's not got a workshop or owt yet so methinks it'll be a while till cars are on his mind again.

Mr Whippy - 29/12/07 at 09:00 PM

Mark was to serious to be me

Originally posted by omega 24 v6
Who is it then????????
Mr Whippy Marks car was sold and is still in the area around us here.
I spoke to him last week in sunny land (lucky barsteward) and he's getting on fine. No mention of Locostbuilders though. He's not got a workshop or owt yet so methinks it'll be a while till cars are on his mind again.

I haven't seen a car going round like his yet, perhaps in the spring. Oh well if he's not doing cars then I doubt he's that interested in coming on here...

I'm surprised he's not done the workshop yet as he seemed quite keen to do it asap.

omega 24 v6 - 29/12/07 at 09:04 PM


I'm surprised he's not done the workshop yet as he seemed quite keen to do it asap.

Aye well thats sun drenched Manjana culture planning departments for you

Agriv8 - 29/12/07 at 09:07 PM

He has gone somewhere sunny (g!t ) so it cant be me as I have not seen any sun oop north after I Left Donny show.

infact I thought I saw a Calvinx maybe I was mistaken .


Agriv8 ( not Calvinx club member No1 )

[Edited on 29/12/07 by Agriv8]

Hellfire - 29/12/07 at 09:13 PM

He may not be building just yet but he is collecting a few parts.


owelly - 29/12/07 at 10:29 PM

I'll be popping ober the Cyprus a few times in the new year so I'll keep an eye out for him. Or not. As I have only met him once and I was very very drunk......I think.

JoelP - 29/12/07 at 11:09 PM

leave him in peace i say, its nice when you work out someones blag (i didnt, it was pointed out to me) but as far as i can tell its his old helpful self without a hint of the old rudeness. However, i do see a gradual trend as he settles into his new zone. Im sure someone will out him, and once he's identified will feel like its acceptable to revert to his old ways. We've discussed to death what we liked and disliked about him, suffice to say he is definately a popular vegetable extract.

Might i urge anyone not to guess or out him? You will know if you know, and it makes no odds when you think about it.

RazMan - 30/12/07 at 12:11 AM

If he wants to come back then good luck to him - but if he settles into his old abusive and biggotted ways then he will just get jumped on from a great height (as anyone should) Forum Darwinism works in the long term

worX - 30/12/07 at 01:04 AM

That seems a bit harsh to me, I know several people had a problem with Mark, but at the end of the day, if he has come back on here, for a little bit of entertaining car orientated banter then to pre-empt it with those sorts of comments (before he's said much wrong) seems a tad biggoted in it's own right, doesn't it?

I know in the same sentance you say good luck to him, but it's like saying "with all due respect" before calling someone a four letter word isn't it?

I'm not Mark's biggest fan, but I do believe in a "live and let live" ethos when it comes to things as tricky as internet forums...


Originally posted by RazMan
If he wants to come back then good luck to him - but if he settles into his old abusive and biggotted ways then he will just get jumped on from a great height (as anyone should) Forum Darwinism works in the long term

RazMan - 30/12/07 at 01:22 AM

Don't get me wrong, I just wanted to make a point that anyone is welcome here as long as they conform to certain (mostly unwritten) rules of forum etiquette. If anyone starts to abuse their forum privileges or throw personal insults around then they should be warned and/or banned - pure and simple. People who have been banned in the past sometimes return under a new identity to save embarassment after leaving in a hissing fit - that's ok as long as they conform to the rules - it is very hard to challenge them when they don't post any profile that reveals their true identity

Peteff - 30/12/07 at 09:06 AM

You lot are really slow

imp paul - 30/12/07 at 09:42 AM

well i don't see the problem as this forum is for all to enjoy and is very helpful and mark has always bean spot on with me so no probs here

zxrlocost - 30/12/07 at 12:03 PM

I cant believe reading things like this thread half of you on here he totally verbally abused and your licking his ass

no wonder most of you come out with phrases like SWMBO and I might come out in the car if my missus lets me..or you have to ask before you do anything

things have changed generally

men are now the bitching backstabbing group women used to be...

and women are what the men used to be you only have to look at a group of women drunk on the night out!!!!!

RoadkillUK - 30/12/07 at 12:31 PM

I don't care either way

David Jenkins - 30/12/07 at 01:08 PM

I'm just amazed...

He caused arguments when he was here, now he's caused arguments when he is/isn't here...

It's really not worth the hassle... it wasn't then, it isn't now.

rusty nuts - 30/12/07 at 01:12 PM

Hi Mark , nice to know your still with us.

Hellfire - 30/12/07 at 06:45 PM

Originally posted by rusty nuts
Hi Mark , nice to know your still with us.

He isn't called Mark anymore. He's changed his name to conceal his identity................


Triton - 30/12/07 at 08:46 PM

And the rubber button is?

Mr Whippy - 31/12/07 at 03:26 AM

Originally posted by Hellfire
Originally posted by rusty nuts
Hi Mark , nice to know your still with us.

He isn't called Mark anymore. He's changed his name to conceal his identity................


funny that, wasn't he suppose to be the one with the steel balls (according to his last huge avatar) and now he's incognito, never thought Mark would be the one to hide, perhaps he's chicken

well if that doesn't provoke a f&^k off Scott u2u I don't know what will

gazza285 - 31/12/07 at 01:38 PM

Saved for prosperity


JoelP - 31/12/07 at 02:07 PM

he still has one post to his name, one that summed him up for me.

oliwb - 1/1/08 at 02:52 PM

Hes'd deff posting and I'm sure I know his new username. It annoys me that he doesn't just come back on as himself. Love it or Loather you should be at peace with who you are and not feel the need to hide behind a different username.....Just my 2p worth. Oli.

UncleFista - 4/1/08 at 10:50 PM

Originally posted by JoelP
but as far as i can tell its his old helpful self without a hint of the old rudeness..

Which is all anyone wanted in the first place. But the way it was done we (Locostbuilders) lost a lot of helpful posts

D Beddows - 5/1/08 at 12:53 AM

I have to say that I'm against being able to delete your own posts - if you make a d*ck of yourself then you only have yourself to blame and probably should have thought a bit longer about what you were about to broadcast to the world. As has been said before what Mark/CalvinX did in deleting all his posts was pure vandalism and has turned quite a few potentialy useful threads into garbage.

Well done mate, very big and grown up - a bit like your 'threatening' u2u s

Hellfire - 7/1/08 at 08:21 PM

Oh dear. He's at it again...........


DarrenW - 8/1/08 at 09:38 AM

Too cryptic for me. Why all the secrecy?

RichieW - 8/1/08 at 09:47 AM

He has deleted nearly all of his new posts if he's who I think he is.

iank - 8/1/08 at 10:48 AM

Originally posted by RichieW
He has deleted nearly all of his new posts if he's who I think he is.

But the one remaining post has something of his trademark style to it
Avatar has also been removed.

RazMan - 8/1/08 at 11:00 AM

Ahhhh here we go again Rescued attachment calvin2.jpg
Rescued attachment calvin2.jpg

mangogrooveworkshop - 8/1/08 at 11:17 AM

The guy knows how to wind some of you up like a watch and you all fall for it like suckers, you must have sad lives if he is the centre of some site users universe

RazMan - 8/1/08 at 11:19 AM

Actually I find his antics strangely amusing. It's amazing the lengths he will go to just to make himself look a total tw@t

[Edited on 8-1-08 by RazMan]

Hellfire - 9/1/08 at 08:29 AM

Originally posted by mangogrooveworkshop
The guy knows how to wind some of you up like a watch and you all fall for it like suckers, you must have sad lives if he is the centre of some site users universe

You sound as though you're quite upset that he's been rumbled....


[Edited on 9-1-08 by Hellfire]

mangogrooveworkshop - 9/1/08 at 11:19 AM

It would appear there are only two people here who really care whether Cal is still here or not, and those two would be Phil (part of team hellfire) and razman, and I know from reading the history that you two are the main ones he played with, it would also appear you two have a "personal" interest/vendetta against Cal.

Get on with your own lives guys otherwise it looks to me and anyone else with half a brain that your a pair of sad old gits with no lives of your own.

RazMan - 9/1/08 at 02:22 PM

Originally posted by mangogrooveworkshop
.... it would also appear you two have a "personal" interest/vendetta against Cal.
Get on with your own lives guys otherwise it looks to me and anyone else with half a brain that your a pair of sad old gits with no lives of your own.

Let's get one thing clear - I couldn't give a monkey's if he stays or goes. However if he wants to stay then he simply has to abide by the forum rules like anybody else. HE was the one who started a personal attack on ME, along with a number of other people too - you might not be aware of these so do not assume that he just has a problem with Phil & myself, as we are just the tip of the iceberg.

He attempted to publish photographs of my car in a pathetic attempt to discredit me in some way - I merely turned this attack around and as a result he once again deleted his posts in a vain attempt to escape ridicule. Have a look at the one post he left behind in the 'Special Offers' section and you will see his style, although ChrisW has edited it because of his abuse of forum rules. It is strange that he hasn't deleted that post - possibly because I suggested that he should and he just loves to be retaliatory.

His behaviour borders on the psychotic imo and you have to admit he has done some very strange things on these forums. To actually delete all of his posts (on at least two of his 'identities' is not only strange, but can only be regarded as nothing more than an act of childish vandalism, (must have taken ages too) making complete nonsense of what used to be a very useful and informative thread.

He has always been very quick to point the finger of blame in the past, whether it is justified or not – let him see how it feels for a change! In the middle ages he would have been the one heading the lynch mob with a burning torch, shouting for blood without knowing the full facts of the situation. A useful forum member? – I think not!

He has offered some good advice in the past but no one will ever know now will they? He gives the impression that he is just a spoiled child who throws all his toys out of his pram and shouts at the top of his voice. This is his own doing and he certainly doesn't need any help in this area.

As I have said before, anyone is welcome on the forums as long as they abide by the rules – if they don’t, then good riddance.

Sad old git signing off

[Edited on 9-1-08 by RazMan]

mangogrooveworkshop - 9/1/08 at 02:37 PM

As I was at Donnington when Cal took the pictures of your car, I had a ringside seat as to the reason for the pics, now weather you like it or not Cal's reasoning was to show that your car was just as everyones car is nothing more special than anyone elses, and what was bugging him that people who hadn't seen your car in the flesh were blowing smoke up your ass about how special it is, when in reality like everyones car yours has its little faults too, it was the same with the hellfire MK, he felt everyone adored that car, that while built as a nice example was nothing special and it too had its little faults.

Maybe his methods were unorthodox, but we are what we are.

Fozzie - 9/1/08 at 02:44 PM

Come on guys.........enough IS enough!

Fozzie (Admin)

Hellfire - 10/1/08 at 12:20 AM

Originally posted by mangogrooveworkshop
it was the same with the hellfire MK, he felt everyone adored that car, that while built as a nice example was nothing special and it too had its little faults.

As a first posting on this section I personally think this is the root of the problem... "he" CalvinX "felt that everyone adored that car"... we have not and do not confess that our car is, or ever was special to anyone else other than us.

Perhaps it was in Calvin's own mind that our car was special and he resented that in some way and made personal remarks about both Phil and I aswell as coutless other members on this forum.

Frankly - I think this thread is getting a little too childish, therefore I wont be participating further. I have other more pressing things to do like watch the grass grow or watch the stars move. I am a member of another car related site (unrelated to locost's/kits) and it has non of the bickering, personal attacks and innuendo's this site seemed to gain when CalvinX joined it - I'm not saying he caused it, but if the cap fits. I freqent this site less and less as a result.

I dont know (and don't want to know) what CalvinX's new name is and honestly, I couldn't care less. While ever you're looking backwards you cant be looking forwards... let him be what he wants to be.

Move on guys - ATB Steve

woodster - 10/1/08 at 10:21 AM

I can't believe this thread is 6 pages long ...... who cares if calvinx is on this site or what ever is new name is hoooooo big deal .... i don't give a monkeys chuffffff .... can we get back to talking about cars please

[Edited on 10/1/08 by woodster]

DarrenW - 10/1/08 at 11:57 AM

Anyone who can build, modify, rebuild, restore etc a car, no matter what it looks like in the end can claim it is special. It is a bit out of order for someone to publicly rubbish that persons extraordinary achievement.

No car is perfect is it. As with anything aesthetic it is a personal thing and subjective.

Still dont understand why the secrecy, but as they say up North -nowt as queer as folk. If we were all the same it would be a dull place. Can we drop it now. This thread will only go off at a tangent and hijack itself.

Hellfire - 10/1/08 at 01:14 PM

My last comment and post on this thread....

The only reason for posting it, is my dislike of the way in which CalvinX is frequenting this forum. To do so under a different username is all a bit too cloak and dagger-like for me and if he has no ulterior motive, then why not come back and post under his own username? Once you've been stabbed in the back, you tend to look over your shoulder more frequently. Hence this thread.


DarrenW - 10/1/08 at 02:22 PM

Agreed Phil, and it did have to be said. And a fitting closing statement.

Dangle_kt - 10/1/08 at 03:24 PM

Group hug?

RK - 10/1/08 at 10:31 PM

No way! This is way more fun.

Macbeast - 11/1/08 at 05:55 PM

It's beginning to Dragon a bit

JoelP - 11/1/08 at 09:33 PM

Do Eu think?!

Macbeast - 12/1/08 at 12:02 AM

What a performance !

Dale Jarret - 12/1/08 at 12:10 AM

Originally posted by Macbeast
What a performance !

Must be worth a ------ Tenour!......


RazMan - 12/1/08 at 05:03 AM


Why can't I get an image of Hissing Sid out of my head now|??

dave1888 - 14/1/08 at 06:48 PM

Who started this bloody thread? if you delete it will that mean all the replies are deleted as well. This place is getting worse, Its supposed to be a forum for people building cars locost or not, Now it appears that anything goes i dont want to read about people having a mad 5 mins then coming to there senses and its ok im back to building the car guys or people who have split with there partners get on with your life who cares go speak to your shrink. Cars engines modifying bits to fit cars thats what we are here for. Any other personel problems keep to yourself.
If anyone is offended by any of the above tough live with it we all have problems.
PS no i am not Mark either.

scotty g - 14/1/08 at 07:08 PM

I'm too bloody confused now!
Am i calvinx?

Benzine - 14/1/08 at 07:42 PM

I'm Spartacus!

gazza285 - 14/1/08 at 07:48 PM

And I'm Brian Blessed.

zxrlocost - 14/1/08 at 08:44 PM

dave1888 finally someone on my wavelength this forum is for building cars and enthusiasts

flak monkey - 14/1/08 at 08:47 PM

This is a community of people, with different backgrounds but a main common interest - building cars.

Life would be boring if we talked about the same stuff all the time, whats the problem with talking about some stuff thats off topic? If you dont like reading it, then dont go in the 'anything else' or 'mad house' sections. Its pretty simple really!

Stick to the techy forums if thats all you want to read.


flak monkey - 14/1/08 at 08:53 PM

Originally posted by dave1888
Who started this bloody thread? if you delete it will that mean all the replies are deleted as well. This place is getting worse, Its supposed to be a forum for people building cars locost or not, Now it appears that anything goes i dont want to read about people having a mad 5 mins then coming to there senses and its ok im back to building the car guys or people who have split with there partners get on with your life who cares go speak to your shrink. Cars engines modifying bits to fit cars thats what we are here for. Any other personel problems keep to yourself.
If anyone is offended by any of the above tough live with it we all have problems.
PS no i am not Mark either.

Im not offended, just suprised at yours and other a few other peoples closed mindedness.

I for one have made a lot of friends through this site, and when we meet up we dont spend all the time talking about cars.

If you dont like what you read, DONT READ IT, its as simple as that.

Lifes too short to get wound up just because you dont like something you are reading on a computer screen. Like I said, if you only want the benefit of the technical knowledge people have, then fine, use this link:

And thats all you will need to see of LCB.


dave1888 - 14/1/08 at 10:47 PM

Likewise Flak i have made many friends and am thankful for the info i have gleaned from this site and the tiger site. I just dont think its appropriate for people to be airing their private life and/or problems on this forum. Getting back to the calvinx The guy likes winding people up dont take the bait ignore it. It will soon stop. I have only met the guy once at Donnington seems like a nice guy says what he thinks very helpful though.

RK - 15/1/08 at 01:37 AM

I always tune into Flak's posts because he has nice avatars. Nice to see you back on track.

scotty g - 15/1/08 at 08:12 AM

I think there IS a place for more persoanal stuff at times, take Flak the other day for instance, broke up with his other half, all upset about it, posted the news here, within minutes theposts were pouring in with nothing but support. That kind of help is great to see, a proper cummunity helping others out, be it car related or otherwise.

Tralfaz - 15/1/08 at 06:33 PM

Originally posted by flak monkey
Originally posted by dave1888
Who started this bloody thread? if you delete it will that mean all the replies are deleted as well. This place is getting worse, Its supposed to be a forum for people building cars locost or not, Now it appears that anything goes i dont want to read about people having a mad 5 mins then coming to there senses and its ok im back to building the car guys or people who have split with there partners get on with your life who cares go speak to your shrink. Cars engines modifying bits to fit cars thats what we are here for. Any other personel problems keep to yourself.
If anyone is offended by any of the above tough live with it we all have problems.
PS no i am not Mark either.

Im not offended, just suprised at yours and other a few other peoples closed mindedness.

I for one have made a lot of friends through this site, and when we meet up we dont spend all the time talking about cars.

If you dont like what you read, DONT READ IT, its as simple as that.

Lifes too short to get wound up just because you dont like something you are reading on a computer screen. Like I said, if you only want the benefit of the technical knowledge people have, then fine, use this link:

And thats all you will need to see of LCB.


Interesting to note that 1/4 of Dave1888's last 20 posts are not car related. (Run's for cover )

dave1888 - 16/1/08 at 07:05 PM

Im sure if you look at most peoples posts you will see that in most cases they are completely irrelevent including this one. They just post to get there post count up. for example someone posted looking for a part in the wanted section and the first reply was yes you guessed "no sorry mate cant help you with that" needless reply if you ask me. 99.9% of the posts on this forum are useful and helpful its just the stupid arsey ones like this and the gts ones that get most peoples backs up. so thats more than 1/4 of my last 20 posts that are not locost related

Mr Whippy - 17/1/08 at 12:41 PM

I just can't believe there are people still posting on this silly topic.........oh no!

iank - 17/1/08 at 12:54 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
I just can't believe there are people still posting on this silly topic.........oh no!

It's a 3 word story in disguise... bugger