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Good News Boys!!!
Paul TigerB6 - 16/10/07 at 09:19 AM

Print this off and stick it to the fridge!!

Simon - 17/10/07 at 10:31 PM

I'm more relieved about this



Peteff - 17/10/07 at 10:49 PM

It's not their fault they're fat, it's their environment ? I don't think so. There are a lot of these with disabled stickers on their 4x4 in the disabled spaces outside our local shop whose only disability seems to be that they can't say when they need to stop eating. They ought to make food more expensive to stop them I think or put them in a special fat people prison where the bars are a set distance apart, say 2 feet so they can only get out when they get down to a certain waist size. Let's see you rattle your tin cup across them bars fatty. Or put turnstiles on the food shop doors so they can't get in till they fit through

scoobyis2cool - 18/10/07 at 12:28 AM

That fat thing gets on my goat. If people can't control themselves then they deserve to get fat. Meanwhile those of us with some restraint have to listen to politicians blabbering on about stupid ideas like making high calorie food more expensive. What is this country coming to?!



smart51 - 18/10/07 at 07:11 AM

I think you get the wrong end of the fat story. What they're saying is that it is a spieces problem not an individual's problem. Modern western lifestyles don't suit human beings. The inevitable result is that you'll get fat unless you fight it by deliberately denying yourself the kind of food the body craves and unless you deliberatly do the kind of excersise that we naturally shy away from.

Of course individuals are responsible for their own diet but it is an up hill battle against ourselves from the very start.

I like the first story though.

scoobyis2cool - 18/10/07 at 10:48 AM

I realise they're saying it's a problem for us as a species but it still comes down to individual responsibility.

Nowadays we have immense choice when it comes to food, transport etc - that's just a natural consequence of a ever-developing society. If people always take the "easy route" by eating fast food and doing no exercise then of course they're going to get fat. But society isn't forcing them to make those choices. If individuals can't take responsibility for themselves then what's the answer? A complete nanny state where high-calorie foods are banned and we're forced to walk everywhere?

Staying fit and healthy is no harder than it has been throughout the history of humanity, it's just that nowadays we have easier options to "tempt" us away from that sort of lifestyle.

I just don't like the idea that I'm going to be punished, in the form of higher taxes on certains foods and so on, just because other people are too weak-willed to look after themselves.

Anyway enough ranting, I agree - the first story was great


Paul TigerB6 - 18/10/07 at 11:06 AM

This country has turned into an absolute joke!! Its getting to the stage where nothing is the individuals fault any more. Criminals will be using it as a defence soon to get away with murder (literally!!) in that its "the State's fault". Then again, maybe the politicians would quite like everything to be "the State's fault" as it will give them the excuse to take greater and greater control of everyone's lives!!

Anyway, i'm sitting here this morning seriously researching emigrating to New Zealand having pretty much had enough of "Ripoff Britain". Anyone know if kitcars can be registered over there??

iank - 18/10/07 at 11:13 AM

Originally posted by Paul TigerB6
Anyway, i'm sitting here this morning seriously researching emigrating to New Zealand having pretty much had enough of "Ripoff Britain". Anyone know if kitcars can be registered over there??
Also have a chat with 'Ratman' builder of the roadrat

smart51 - 18/10/07 at 11:15 AM

Originally posted by scoobyis2cool
Staying fit and healthy is no harder than it has been throughout the history of humanity

I come from the grey rainy north where even as late as the 50s there were families whose working wages were so low that they had to choose between food and clothes. Just living life involved lots of walking, hard phisical work and cold housing. It was easy not to eat too much food or do too little excercise. There was no choice.

Kids go to school by car and each pizza anf chips for lunch and McDonalds and chips for dinner then sit infront of the telly all evening in a warn cozy house. Decades ago people couldn't afford that choice.

But I agree that individuals do have a choice and are responsible for their own health and lifstyle. The report may be true but badly reported. Never the less, there is a problem which does need to be tackled. If people won't do it themselves, perhaps government has to or else half the country will be obese before too long.

Paul TigerB6 - 18/10/07 at 11:34 AM

Originally posted by iank
Also have a chat with 'Ratman' builder of the roadrat

Excellent - just had a look through those links and looks a fairly decent kitcar scene over there. Looks like it takes up to a year to sort out emigration anyway and i want to save for a while after finishing the Tiger so plenty of time yet.
MNR have an Australian agent dont they - looks a good excuse to build one of them next anyway!!

DarrenW - 18/10/07 at 11:39 AM

Has anyone done a trial on 2 people. maybe one skinny and another over weight. Feed them both exactly the same food, same life style, same exercise etc etc and see what the effect is over time. Im sure a lower calorie diet with lots of exercise will result in 2 skinny people. However reverse this and it would be interesting to see if they both retained their figure?

Paul TigerB6 - 18/10/07 at 12:25 PM

there's so many variables between people that not many conclusions could be drawn except for those individuals tested. A low calorie diet with loads of exercise could easily end up with an ill person - not just a skinny one

scoobyis2cool - 18/10/07 at 01:18 PM

Originally posted by smart51
Kids go to school by car and each pizza anf chips for lunch and McDonalds and chips for dinner then sit infront of the telly all evening in a warn cozy house.

I agree, they do, but they don't have to - that's where the idea of taking responsibility comes in. Education is the way forward, not governmental policies and yet more taxes. There's no way the government can force people into living a healthy lifestyle without taking away those choices, which surely is a step backwards for society.

@DarrenW - while it's true that people do have varied metabolisms and so on, they're remarkably similar in most respects. It's very rare that you'll find a thin person who eats 5,000 calories daily from processed foods, or a fat person who eats a calorie-controlled diet and exercises regularly. On the whole, diet and exercise control our level of health and fitness, it's as simple as that. But a lot of people don't want to put in the hard work and choose instead to carry on their unhealthy lifestyle and wait for the government to do something about it.


[Edited on 18/10/07 by scoobyis2cool]

Confused but excited. - 18/10/07 at 01:21 PM

It's all about eating a balanced diet.

For me, that's a pint in one hand and a big pie in the other.

Peteff - 18/10/07 at 01:48 PM

Lancashire fire department add their take on the subject.

Alex B - 18/10/07 at 05:13 PM

Hey.....Lay off fat people. I hang out with them to look skinny


RK - 19/10/07 at 10:44 PM

It's all the fault of the car. If people walked anymore, there wouldn't be a problem. You can eat like an idiot and if you're active enough, you won't gain a pound. I've done informal observations, and found small town people in Canada are fatter because they depend on the car to get around, whereas in the city they can walk to the store, or take a bus that comes more often than twice a day.

I gained at least 15 pounds when I moved from downtown Vancouver to the outskirts of Ottawa (a move of several thousand km I don't recommend, for all sorts of reasons - I won't discuss the winter here), because I no longer felt like walking the 2 km to the store.

smart51 - 20/10/07 at 07:57 AM

Originally posted by RK
It's all the fault of the car. If people walked anymore, there wouldn't be a problem.

Perhaps not a popular forum for anti car sentement but maybe you're right. I was quite thin until I bought my first car at age 24. Until then I'd walked or cycled everywhere, including 2 oe 3 miles each way to university. Now I don't.

scoobyis2cool - 20/10/07 at 10:16 AM

It still isn't the car's fault though - you don't HAVE to drive!


TGR-ECOSSE - 20/10/07 at 08:39 PM

Originally posted by Paul TigerB6

Print this off and stick it to the fridge!!

Back to the original post !!!! I need more help than that !!! I have 2 kids and have been "done"