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Vanishing Calvinx
graememk - 27/7/07 at 11:22 AM

he's been online but not posted, i also notice that many of his posting have vanished aswell...

locostbuilders without calvinx would be like big bigbrother without charlie

Confused but excited. - 27/7/07 at 01:08 PM

Won't taste the same, without that dash of pepper.

gazza285 - 27/7/07 at 08:02 PM

Must have run out of pies to throw.

RazMan - 28/7/07 at 10:35 AM

I think he had a slap on the wrist for being an ar$e and didn't want to be seen having to 'conform' to the rules of the forum. Each to his own I guess ...

[Edited on 28-7-07 by RazMan]

Tralfaz - 28/7/07 at 10:51 AM

While he has certainly raised my ire a few times I hope he returns.

I had loaded this Avatar into my archive some time back but decided not to use it due to the fact there was a 'Resident' Calvin.

Seems appropriate now though

gazza285 - 28/7/07 at 08:36 PM

Kind of ironic now, mind he was pretty ironic himself, just blind to the irony of others.


graememk - 29/7/07 at 03:07 AM

nope all postings now gone, looks like he's thrown all his toys out of his pram.

JoelP - 29/7/07 at 06:23 AM

its like the end of an era.

Still, he had the choice between behaving or leaving, rather sad its ended this way. Unable to bite his tongue?

Macbeast - 29/7/07 at 07:02 AM

For a moment, yesterday, I thought he was back -

"All I will say is "SEARCH" or "SVA MANUAL"
These are basic things covered over and over.
How can you build a car without these tools?
I supose it is just lazyness?
You can even get a free sva manual download if you do a search! "

But no

rusty nuts - 29/7/07 at 07:27 AM

Met him at Newark ,not at all like I expected . I for one will miss him , he made a lot of sense and helped a lot of people .

DIY Si - 29/7/07 at 05:29 PM

Whilst I never meet him, we have a had a bit of a chat before and he was most helpful. Not at all like the argumentative git he could be sometimes! But then who isn't at times?

chrsgrain - 29/7/07 at 05:46 PM

He helped me out hugely with several things, shame if he's buggered off for good....

maybe the next avatar craze should be 'calvins'!


scotty g - 29/7/07 at 06:34 PM

for the most part he was a bloody thoroughly nice bloke, who's in charge of the great Locost Midi plan now then?

indykid - 29/7/07 at 07:58 PM

what happened? did i miss it while i was on holiday?

feel free to fill me in by u2u anyone with a bit of spare time.

chockymonster - 1/8/07 at 12:28 PM

Originally posted by indykid
what happened? did i miss it while i was on holiday?

feel free to fill me in by u2u anyone with a bit of spare time.

He had the balls to say what most people thought to someone trying to sell something and that person complained.
So because someone that joined the forum just to sell something complained we lost a person that would go out of their way to help others even if he didn't know them.
I've had my not seeing eye to eye bits with Mark but when I asked for help he was more than willing to.
Shame that we've lost his input, even if it could be abrasive at times.

iank - 1/8/07 at 12:46 PM

Actually the complaints were about the abusive language he chose to use not that he complained.
There is a button for complaints which I know for a fact fozzie follows up.

What remains of the thread is here if anyone really wants to rake through the bones.

Fozzie - 1/8/07 at 01:12 PM

Originally posted by iank
Actually the complaints were about the abusive language he chose to use not that he complained.
There is a button for complaints which I know for a fact fozzie follows up.

Totally correct....... complaints about abusive language in that thread, being the plural, not the singular!

Chockymonster..... Totally incorrect....


JoelP - 1/8/07 at 05:23 PM

Im sure mark is the sort of bloke you get on with just fine in reality, id even go as far as saying friendly, but on here he acts, at times, like forum police crossed with local gangster. Its not his place to decide who can and cannot advertise what, and it certainly isnt right for him to be abusive or tell people to f off (i cant remember his exact words cos they're gone, but that was the gist).

And it doesnt take balls to speak your mind, it takes respect to know what is appropriate to say when. If you choose to respect him, do it for his help and banter, not for his abrasive moments.

Hellfire - 1/8/07 at 06:38 PM

As "we" (read my brother Phil) have had many a set-to with Mark and as abrasive as he is, few people are actually like this in reality. I personally will miss him, it was fun while it lasted... lets hope he can contain himself and return with added (well maybe not) vigour! :p


UncleFista - 1/8/07 at 08:05 PM

Well, sorry if this goes agaist popular opinion, but.... I thought he was a bit of a T*** and I'm glad I won't have to read any of his s**** anymore.

Just my personal opinion

Even when he had something of interest to say, he was so self-obsessed and full of himself, allowing no-one to disagree, pity 'cos he did have something of interest to say every now and again.

Just checked and he's deleted every post he's ever made here, his bat and ball are definitely at his house

Is this honestly all 'cos he doesn't like being asked to use more forum-friendly language ?

[Edited on 1/8/07 by UncleFista]

gazza285 - 1/8/07 at 08:24 PM

Originally posted by UncleFista
Well, sorry if this goes agaist popular opinion, but.... I thought he was a bit of a T*** and I'm glad I won't have to read any of his s**** anymore.

Just my personal opinion

I'm sorry he's gone, it was fun baiting him, not to mention easy, otherwise not too bothered really, just too self important.

t.j. - 1/8/07 at 08:35 PM

Hmmm, was on holiday...

Too bad it happened again.
Was a warning not possible? So he could get a second change, and delete his own comment?

He didn't post any dirty piccies, did he?


gazza285 - 1/8/07 at 08:47 PM

He deleted all his own comments, must have taken some time, as well as his photo archive, nothing like self righteous anger to focus ones attention.

He removed his avatar picture as well after I posted it earlier in this thread, shame I'd uploaded it instead of remote linking.............

RoadkillUK - 1/8/07 at 09:30 PM

Bye, So Long

Agriv8 - 1/8/07 at 10:12 PM

Met him in real life and hes a character,

Mark if you are reading this Live long and proper. I havent always agreed with you on what you have posted but you always fought for what you belive in and I for one cant knock you for that



Wadders - 1/8/07 at 10:23 PM

I certainly won't miss that picture of is ARS#

gazza285 - 1/8/07 at 10:25 PM

Originally posted by Macbeast
For a moment, yesterday, I thought he was back -

"All I will say is "SEARCH" or "SVA MANUAL"
These are basic things covered over and over.
How can you build a car without these tools?
I supose it is just lazyness?
You can even get a free sva manual download if you do a search! "

But no

I had noticed a certain lack of tolerance from some members, and to think I have refrained myself from caustic comments appertaining from some members about their own products to promote forum harmony, perhaps I shall not be so short of forthcoming in future.

OX - 1/8/07 at 11:33 PM

couldnt stand the bloke ,glad he's gone . his bad mouth should of got him banned ages ago. he didnt have balls to say what he said,anyone who doesnt give a damn can do it, i had no respect for him what so ever and i think the site will be a better place with out him. it wasnt long after he's joined that he was shouting down a long going member and told him to leave the site and shut the door behind him,to which i surgested he tone it down or do the same .

Fred W B - 2/8/07 at 06:01 AM

Im with unclefiste and ox. He was impolite and arrogant, and now has pulled all his posts in a huff - always claimed he would help anyone witj anything, how does that help now?

The words nose, cut and face come to mind.

I won't miss him.


Fred W B

Hellfire - 2/8/07 at 11:19 AM

He hasn't really left. He's just deleted all of his posts and photo archive but is still reading posts and communicating via U2U's.

He must like to think he's some sort of secret agent, working undercover.......

You don't really think the schizo would go that easily do you?


[Edited on 2-8-07 by Hellfire]

albertz - 2/8/07 at 11:37 AM

I would like to add my say to this as i have had several dealings with Mark over the past few months.

I know he has maybe upset some members by speaking his mind in his own unique style, but i believe most of what he says is what he genuinely believes.

As far as i am concerned he is a top bloke. Some of you may recall that i was in a dilemna about what to do with my own car. Mark gave me unlimited sound advice upon which i have now acted.

Furthermore he has made two separate 450 mile round trips simply to help me with my electrical insecurities. He bought and installed a brand new universal loom to my car (along with Oliwb), gave me comprehensive instructions on how to finish it off.

I tried to pay him for his time and expenses which he reluctantly accepted only to find out later that he had bought me a new alternator for my car as a way of "giving me back the money i paid him".

How many of you, that are now slating him, can honestly say that you would do the same for someone you have never met, or were ever likely to meet?

I accept that sometimes he was a bit OTT and that there is usually a time and place for swearing, but was that really the issue? or was it a case that Mark had the nerve to say what he felt needed to be said. Maybe his views didn't always align with the views of the 'In-crowd'.....but thats life.

I, for one, would back him to the hilt and I also know that the technical content of the site has now suffered as a result of this exchange.

I usually prefer to avoid getting involved in these threads but when someone i regard as a friend is being openly slated behind their back then i feel it necessary to make my feelings clear.

However, i do accept that there are two sides to every argument and i have really only listened to one side!

I love speed :-P - 2/8/07 at 12:03 PM

Originally posted by albertz
I would like to add my say to this as i have had several dealings with Mark over the past few months.

I know he has maybe upset some members by speaking his mind in his own unique style, but i believe most of what he says is what he genuinely believes.

As far as i am concerned he is a top bloke. Some of you may recall that i was in a dilemna about what to do with my own car. Mark gave me unlimited sound advice upon which i have now acted.

Furthermore he has made two separate 450 mile round trips simply to help me with my electrical insecurities. He bought and installed a brand new universal loom to my car (along with Oliwb), gave me comprehensive instructions on how to finish it off.

I tried to pay him for his time and expenses which he reluctantly accepted only to find out later that he had bought me a new alternator for my car as a way of "giving me back the money i paid him".

How many of you, that are now slating him, can honestly say that you would do the same for someone you have never met, or were ever likely to meet?

I accept that sometimes he was a bit OTT and that there is usually a time and place for swearing, but was that really the issue? or was it a case that Mark had the nerve to say what he felt needed to be said. Maybe his views didn't always align with the views of the 'In-crowd'.....but thats life.

I, for one, would back him to the hilt and I also know that the technical content of the site has now suffered as a result of this exchange.

I usually prefer to avoid getting involved in these threads but when someone i regard as a friend is being openly slated behind their back then i feel it necessary to make my feelings clear.

However, i do accept that there are two sides to every argument and i have really only listened to one side!

I dont think anyone is saying that when he wanted he wasnt helpful, however his attitude on this forum was all wrong and just because he might of been/ is a nice person in real life was no excuse for his online behaviour.

Also because of his attitude I know alot of better people who havnt posted as much on here because of him. Which is a great loss to everyone on here.

I also am sure I remember him flaming snoppy for deleting all of his posts...

[Edited on 2/8/2007 by I love speed :-P]

David Jenkins - 2/8/07 at 01:03 PM

OK, I've got the popcorn...

oliwb - 3/8/07 at 06:54 PM

Seen as there seems to be alot of ignorance out there and mark is saying nothing I'm going to set the record straight. Mark's leaving has nothing to do with foul language on his part. Its got everything to do with the inequality some people are receiving.
Yes, he used some colourful language on the thread in question but not once did he use it without an *. I know this is loose but someone else has done the identical thing twice in this thread. The reason he left was because when he was confronted about using language with an * in it, he gave evidence of at least a dozen different times that certain other members used language without an * - which in my mind is unacceptable. He pointed out that it was unfair that he should be confronted about this but not the people in question who didn't censor. He asked that they should be cautioned also but this request was refused by the admin. This is what ticked him off.
Frankly I think you've all lost a brilliant resource. I also don't think it is childish for him to remove his posts. The information contained with in them amounts to many years as a trained mechanic and he would be perfectly within his rights to charge for it even. Its a shame that the few who will gain from him not being here will in no way substitute for the help and information he provided. The people who are worst affected are in fact not even members yet, they are the people who haven't signed up and are thinking of taking the plunge.
This whole biased treatment needs to stop, admin should be applying the same rules to everyone and stop picking favourites. To be honest it doesn't bother me that much as I'm still very much good mates with him, in fact enjoyed a game a forza 2 last night with him (obviously he lost)! So I will be enjoying his company and hopefully wisdom for many years to come, as will no doubt some other members of the forum.....and I bet you anything you like there builds will only benefit from it! Oli.

omega 24 v6 - 3/8/07 at 07:30 PM

What he^^^^ and Albertz said is actually closer to the real Mark that us locals know. I had a lot of bits and bobs of him at "Mates rates" as well. The guy is well read and full of information. He also went all out with the tig group buy and the amount of time, work, and phone calls that went into that deal all came from his own pocket. It's a shame that it came to this but it's his decision. At least the local lads up here will still be in contact with him and his resources/information.
The sad fact really is that on a forum with a keyboard is not really the way to get to know someone. A lot of things can be said in jest and tongue in cheek but you just can't see the facial expressions to go with them. Even some of his biggest adversarrys(sp) on here have admitted they're sad to see him go. I'm telling you they'd prolly have got on with him very well in person.
I've stayed out of this one cause at the end of the day it's his decision, and I don't really feel that he needs backed up, but I know that the guys that pop on and sell (whether anyone else agrees or not) and run really hack him off ( there was a post that'd explain why but it's prob gone now) lets just say that someone made quite a bit on ebay after getting something from him that he'd made and selling it on.

graememk - 3/8/07 at 09:07 PM

to be honest i dont like his attitude or the way he has behaved on the site but i do think that mark has something offer the site and i will make the effort to find him at donnington

i have been on the recieving end of marks tounge a few times but i dont take it personal

at the end of the day its the way he is.

Mr Whippy - 3/8/07 at 09:14 PM

Feck is much safer as it was used on Father Ted and he was a priest... Rescued attachment cup.jpg
Rescued attachment cup.jpg

Fozzie - 3/8/07 at 09:28 PM

Right...... I am at this moment incensed with some of what has been written above!

Oliwb you have been misinformed ..... badly!

Calvinx is NOT banned ...... he had a formal warning .... NOT just for bad language.
There had been several complaints that day.

It may be worth noting, that it is no good moaning about what member 'so and so' said, weeks after the event, and the complainer had happily contributed to the thread in question without as much as a protest at the time!


Mr Whippy - 3/8/07 at 09:34 PM

cool so your incensed by my reference to Father Ted, your easily provoked

Fozzie - 3/8/07 at 09:39 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
cool so your incensed by my reference to Father Ted, your easily provoked

LOL...... not your post.... you put that up whilst I was still writing


Mr Whippy - 3/8/07 at 10:06 PM

Personally I will miss Mark he was a cleaver guy with a heap of knowledge and seemed to just stand up for himself and others when he chose to fight their cause.

I think it is more likely is user name has been deleted rather than him deleting his posts in a huff, that would take about a week to do. Hopefully he will return some day.

I wouldn’t concern myself about children catching sight of the evil F word , I’m a bus driver who often has the dubious honour of taking kids to school, what comes out of those little ‘angels’ mouths could strip paint off walls and teach us adults a few new words.

RazMan - 3/8/07 at 10:08 PM

I don't think his problem was just a habit of using bad language (thinly diguised or not) He was very much aware that his own special brand of acidic humour often offended ...... but he just didn't care.

Every forum has them - keyboard warriors who like to shout down all their self percieved opponents until they either get fed up and leave the 'discussion' or they get so aggrivated that they have to go and have a lie down. Either way he looks on this process as some kind of victory and that speaks volumes about his character and he obviously has some personal issues that need sorting out - maybe then he can converse with us mere mortals again.

In a final act of what can only be described as vandalism, it appears that he even went to the extrordinary lengths to deface the threads that he was involved in by deleting all his posts and then changed his avatar to add the word 'disavowed' (refuse to acknowledge; disclaim knowledge of; responsibility for, or association with) but I guarantee he will 'pop in' from time to time and see what we are saying about him - his ego will not allow him to stay away (hi Calvin )

I have heard via several people that he is a very likeable chap in 'real life' but if he can't control his aggression and beligerant attitude in an open forum then he simply has no place here imo. If you join a club you must live by the club's rules - it's as simple as that.

[Edited on 3-8-07 by RazMan]

DIY Si - 3/8/07 at 10:22 PM

His user name still appears to be here, just without any of his posts.
As to whether his new disavowed 'avatar' is his idea or the mods, I don't know. It does still show his location as Scotland though.
And he was last active today at 20.47, so presumably he's still out there in the shadows, as it were.

[Edited on 3/8/07 by DIY Si]

Mr Whippy - 3/8/07 at 10:28 PM

Oh well the best way is to take folk as they are. I never expected this site to be ‘politically’ correct and it’s still no where in the league of some sites I can think of, so what if someone swears, I don’t expect a 10 year old to be building a 7 and there is much more dodgy stuff on the web than odd expletive not to mention some rubber clad nuns (try explaining that to the kids…) It’s more fun to have a bit of controversy than just a question and answers session (dull). Mark just stood his ground, with a machine gun in hand.

[Edited on 3/8/07 by Mr Whippy]

Fozzie - 3/8/07 at 10:29 PM

Originally posted by DIY Si

As to whether his new disavowed 'avatar' is his idea or the mods,

[Edited on 3/8/07 by DIY Si]

Si, No... all his own work!

Mr Whippy, he deleted his own posts over a period of around 12 days or so.

Mr Whippy - 3/8/07 at 10:33 PM

Mr Whippy, he deleted his own posts over a period of around 12 days or so.

there's dedication for you

DIY Si - 3/8/07 at 10:37 PM

Fozzie, I had assumed it was his work, but didn't want to guess! Couldn't see you doing it to be honest!

matt_claydon - 4/8/07 at 08:40 AM

I think people need to understand that there's a distinct difference between using bad language as an exclaimation:

"F*** me, that's an awesome car"

and using it to insult someone:

"You're a f*****g moron, get off this forum"

In the latter case it doesn't matter how many *s you use it's still incredibly rude and offensive. Hiding the words does not hide your meaning.

In the former, very few are going to be offended even if you don't bother to censor at all.

Angel Acevedo - 4/8/07 at 03:27 PM

Wish I have had saved all his posts on my hard drive...
Reading without taking a side was really interesting...
I think I learned a lot not only how to build a better car but also how to treat people (or better said) not to....
I may never get to know many of you as I live in Mexico, so what I read is a very small part of your character...
No judgement is made upon an individual for he may have his own reasons for his behaviour.
On the other side, for the people that entered an argument with him or any other, words get carried with the wind.. (Cyberwind here) but the facts remain.
The knowledge gained from the arguments will remain, but the anger will vanish eventually...

Confused but excited. - 4/8/07 at 04:10 PM

Very well said dude!

oliwb - 4/8/07 at 10:28 PM

Fozzie, obviously I must bow down in the glory of your administrator-ness. I don't know both sides of the stories, but that doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what happened. What I'm trying to get across is what Mark has told me on the 1 occassion we have EVER discussed it. Whether he has grounds to feel that or not is a completely different matter and to my mind irrelevant. If thats how he feels about it and strongly enough to no longer take part on the open forum then something has gone badly wrong somewhere. I know for a fact it will be made out to be his fault in some twisted way but its petty and all the people on here who get offended by such baiting and name calling (on an internet forum) need to get a life. If this kind of thing offends then Calvinx posting is the least of your problems! Harsh, but in my mind true....say of it what you will

Dale Jarret - 4/8/07 at 11:02 PM


What is your point.......?
As far as I can see, Calvinx, has repeatedly flamed and insulted people for a loooong time!

He got a 'warning' it appears after many complaints! In the other forums I belong to, he would have been asked to go a very long time ago! But he hasn't...lucky him! All he got was a warning.....big deal!

I have taken part in many a good thread where he has resorted to insulting individuals and therefore the thread has been brought down to the ground! And more often than not, because of his attitude, got deleted.

He hasn't been banned..he took it upon himself to delete his why are you blaming the mods? ....Crazy.......

He may be a good mechanic, he may know bike engines, he obviously helps people around him....but does every other member on here, and have done for years....they just don't shout about it!

They also give parts and time willingly and more often than not wouldnt dream of asking a bean for the help given....

It may also shock you that there are people far more qualified and able than Calvinx, so only some of the knowledge has gone.......but there are plenty more on here to give that help, and no doubt new members who join who may even know and advise more....preferably without the 'flaming and insults'...

People leave the site all of the time for various happens with every site, new ones come along...its life!


gazza285 - 5/8/07 at 04:34 AM

Not only have we lost Calvinx's contributions, we have also lost the contributions of those he hounded off the site. Nice one.

Fred W B - 5/8/07 at 07:51 AM

Very good comments Angel Acevede

I try to judge people by what I personally know of a person, and on their behaviour towards me. I don't form opionions based on rumour or hearsay from third parties

I, and most of the people reading on here, only knew the man by his writing on this forum, and that makes him out to be a self opioninated know it all with a chip on his shoulder, and with a foul mouth.

That he is a apparently a great helpfull bloke "in real life" means nothing to me.


Fred W B

[Edited on 5/8/07 by Fred W B]

Confused but excited. - 5/8/07 at 01:47 PM

oliwb, I'm a bit confused by part of your post.
Why do you consider it OK to insult someone when it is done via the internet?
If someone is looking to get decked if they say it to your face, then, surely the same applies if they do it on a forum.
The English langauge more than enables someone to make a valid point without resorting to personal abuse.
I am also sure most of the people logging onto this forum already have a very nice life.
I personally think members will miss Mark's input but not his abuse of people on a personal level.

[Edited on 5/8/07 by Confused but excited.]

tks - 5/8/07 at 08:44 PM

His words, LB warning, his descision to delete al his posts.

I think nobody can judge about a person using the internet and less talking about cars etc. etc.. but for me personally "i act like the way i am" isn't acceptable. Life is full of laws and regulations in fact its the only reason wy we all can live together on this planet. Being this site used for INFORMATION and a bit for Sales i think / opinion that he should have changed his attitude (words choosen to express himself).

For me LB is like a small town, to be able to life with each other we have rules its as simple as that.

As for the problems with yunger children seeing and reading etc. etc. in my opnion it hasn't nothing to do with it. We all know when opening up a public thing we can expect everything to showup on our screen also words wich of the user shouldn't be proud of. But for me thats Internet and its like many times in life that fathers and mothers should protect (if they want) they children from reading/seeing (they could put the user on their ignore list easyly) Internet is for me like walking on the street you never knows whats waiting to come.......

Sow for me the point is not seeing the words but simply the fact being/talking/acting that way to a fellow LB member. He should have learnd already in life thats its given and taken...

Hope i cleared my opinion out a bit.

For the rest i think he is a goodperson and honest trader willing to help his customers with their questions etc. etc.

Compare it with Lewis you can be suchs a good pilot but being rude to your CEO isn't smart and isn't accepted...(in case he did)

Hope calvinx will still answer my U2 about his tig torch


MikeRJ - 9/8/07 at 08:39 PM

Going by some stuff I found a couple of years back on another forum I'm pretty this isn't an isolataed incident.

That said it sounds like he went very much out of his way to help some folk which is very laudable. Just a shame he didn't display this side of his character on here more often rather than the abusive language and snide comments.

[Edited on 9/8/07 by MikeRJ]

Mark. - 9/8/07 at 10:33 PM

Tis a funny thing the tinternet, it has the hidden power to make and break.


graememk - 10/8/07 at 09:44 AM

^^whos ^ this ^ then ^^^

Mark. - 10/8/07 at 01:41 PM

Couldn't use triton username as forgot password and duffer's old email defunct.
So not the Mark you thought it might be .
Last year was last year anyway.

JoelP - 10/8/07 at 03:59 PM

triton mark, the clues in the avatar

welcome back

Confused but excited. - 10/8/07 at 05:07 PM

If that don't bring him back, nothing will!

gazza285 - 10/8/07 at 07:57 PM

Lost one, gained one. Welcome back Triton, how's the missus?

Mark. - 10/8/07 at 10:35 PM

Cheers me dears.

zxrlocost - 10/8/07 at 11:26 PM

read it all now 7 pages dedicated to someone who verbally abused loads of you and at times it got quite OTT, with heated arguments etc

chap by me has this to a T he treats everyone terrible everyone hates him and major slags him off behind his back

yet when he walks into a room Ding Dang Do!!! basically everyone crouds round him offers him a drink etc how are you and all that!!!!

I think its amazing it must be a natural talent as Ive tried it before going from being alright with people then i thought ill try what this bloke does, the people I tried it on now hate me and dont speak to me at all !!!!



Peteff - 11/8/07 at 10:57 AM

I now hate you and I don't even know you

Confused but excited. - 11/8/07 at 11:50 AM

Some people would prefer to be hated, rather than be ignored.
There's nowt as queer as folk.

keithice - 11/8/07 at 10:35 PM

I am more of a reader than a poster, due to my general ignorance (i am a fridge engineer by trade and my auto experience is bike based..) so I tend to listen.. on this forum.. on the aoc it's a different matter...I am also fairly new to the internet and this whole flamer thing, I would not dream of being rude in a face to face conversation so how come it's ok on the t'internet If I ask a stupid question, it's because I don't know and a gentle joke and an answer is fine I tend to have a fairly dry sense of humor (Im told) but I'll use a smilie to show it's "tongue in cheek". anyway the extremely long winded point I'm trying to make is... you don't meet people face to face so just be polite...

Ivan - 12/8/07 at 07:50 AM

Well, if Mark is back I for one am pleased - he went out of his way to help me with suspension info and to my mind embodied what this forum is all about when it comes to helping people even if it was off forum.

Just goes to show theres good and bad in all of us.

David Jenkins - 12/8/07 at 10:18 AM

Wrong Mark, I think...

Mark. - 13/8/07 at 08:19 PM

Life is a tad too short and with all the guff going on in the world this forum should be all mellow and calm like...

David Jenkins - 13/8/07 at 09:11 PM

Yeh, like - cool, man!

nick205 - 30/8/07 at 08:45 AM

Mark. (Triton) - I hope all is well for you and your family now.

NS Dev - 30/8/07 at 04:52 PM

Same here, good to see you back on here!!!

The dash you did for me is now mobile dashing around the country on the occasions it decides not to rain!!

You never did do those cycle wings but as you say, life's too short to worry about little things and I think you probably had more serious issues at hand at the time!

good to see you back

as for the Calvin thing, I couldn't care a toss, just get on with it, if he wants to go, fair enough, whatever. I'm sure he's busy, as I am, life goes on.

I sometimes upset people but I like to think i stop short of being downright unpleasant.

billy - 30/8/07 at 08:06 PM

who is this Calvinx chap anyway?

carlgeldard - 31/8/07 at 06:42 AM


You've been away to long mate.


ned - 31/8/07 at 06:58 AM

bring on the blue smarties

Ian Pearson - 31/8/07 at 10:38 AM

I have no doubt that Mark was well intentioned. I have never met the man, so only have his online persona to judge him by. I found some of his posts aggressive, abusive, biased and at times bigoted. If he wasn’t like this in real life, why portray such anti social behaviour on line? I have said what I thought all my life, and this forum is one of the few places that I have been able to bite my tongue. If I had posted replies to everything I thought wrong or disagreed with, I'd have several thousand posts to my name. When at work if I said some of the things at work that Mark has posted on here, I'd more than likely have been disciplined or worse, fired.

I think it's a shame that he's gone and deleted all his posts etc, he was undoubtedly full of ideas, but this site is not about one person and their opinions, it’s a collective group of people trying to build or improve their cars. This should be a reminder to all of those listers who have forgotten why Chris started this website in the first place.