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Chinese Penis...
Hellfire - 28/6/07 at 07:14 AM

Amazingly whislt reading the BBC website I read THIS. WIll the Chinese put anything into their mouth and stomachs.

I nearly ended up sicking up my breakfast!

Dirty G1ts


RazMan - 28/6/07 at 07:55 AM

Quote: "What better way to secure a contract than over a steaming penis fondue."

Ohhhhh gimme a bucket ...... quick!

speedyxjs - 28/6/07 at 07:57 AM


iank - 28/6/07 at 08:03 AM

Oh we have our own little problems with food.

Cheap sausages for example - hope there weren't any in your breakfast.,,951917,00.html

I'm Korea this week, there is a lot of rubbish spoken about eating dog (they do, but only one special breed they farm - but you don't see it in regular restaurants it's way too expensive).

The seafood is excellent.

[Edited on 28/6/07 by iank]

JAG - 28/6/07 at 08:27 AM

The problem with Koreans eating dog is not the eating of the dog - it's the way they kill them.

The traditional Korean method involves hanging the dog by it's front legs and beating it to death with a big stick - the longer it takes to die the better the effect on the people who eat it

They claim it gives all manner of life enhancing effects if you eat dogs that have been killed by this method.

..... and don't believe the bullshit about only eating one particular breed, they eat them all but like I said I don't have a problem with eating dogs per se.

I learnt all this whilst visiting South Korea a few years ago.

iank - 28/6/07 at 08:43 AM

Interesting. I was told the one breed thing by a guy who'd lived out here 20 years.

Peteff - 28/6/07 at 02:21 PM

I've seen old pictures of various dogs hung up in Korean markets with their front legs doubled back and tied behind their backs and they were beaten then strangled as it stimulates adrenalin and is supposed to make the meat taste tender and sweet. On the Paul Merton in China Ch5 series the Chinese were serving donkey penis and dog was still available in some areas but the authorities discouraged it as it made them seem backwards to outsiders.

emsfactory - 28/6/07 at 04:31 PM

I watched that programme that showed how meat went from farm to plate.

They said you have to kill the sheep, cow, pig etc quickly as any stress released chemicals into the blood that toughened the meat.

Peteff - 28/6/07 at 05:17 PM

Pigs are electrocuted to stun, not kill them then hung up by the back legs to have their throats cut to bleed them dry. The old timers used to stun them with a lump hammer between the eyes, watch the comedy film " A Bit if a Do". Cats play with their live food to make it tastier, like the big cats chasing animals down. Animals are killed humanely because of public opinion, not to preserve the flavour.

Hellfire - 28/6/07 at 10:11 PM

So electrocuting a pig, hanging them by their legs and then cutting their throats whilst still alive and bleeding them dry is humane??


davie h - 29/6/07 at 11:43 AM

im off to dig out the takeaway menu i'm having a chinese tonight and i fancy a big bowl of steaming penis washed down with a deer blood cocktail i do hope they do it

RazMan - 29/6/07 at 12:18 PM


ooops ... I missed the bucket

[Edited on 29-6-07 by RazMan]