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The Secret of a Long Life
smouldin - 22/5/07 at 11:23 PM

Sat on a park bench, a small boy is munching on one chocolate bar after another.
After seeing him starting on his sixth, a man on the bench across from him shakes his head.
'Son', tuts the gentleman, 'Eating all that chocolate isn't good for you. it will give you acne, rot your teeth and make you fat'.
The small boy looks back at him. ' My grandfather lived to be 107.' he replies.
The man nod sagely, 'But did your grandfather eat six chocolate bars at a time?'
The boy looked at him. 'No,' he said, 'he just minded his own f***ing business.'

Castrol Dave - 23/5/07 at 08:38 AM

children today, I remember when i was young .......