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Scotty - 15/3/07 at 11:26 AM

Mr Whippy - 15/3/07 at 11:30 AM

smart51 - 15/3/07 at 12:12 PM

As counter-intuative as it would sound, slowing traffic flow into a congested area can ease overall traffic flow. Even that I understand that, this sign would still annoy the hell out of me. It smells of a work arround to ease the problems caused by a badly designed junction; something there seems to be a lot of in this countr.

JamJah - 24/3/07 at 10:24 AM

Looks suspiously like Devils PunchBowl on the A3... Taken half way round looking towards Guildford.

What do the locals think?

Mark Allanson - 24/3/07 at 10:10 PM

I passed this every day in 2005, its the hill approach to Dobwalls in east cornwall. To be fair, they are right, its 1/2 mile of twin track road up a hill into a 40mph speed limit, all the fast cars overtake and then cut in at the top, when the traffic gets heavy, the inside track is qued to the bottom and the outer is trying to get back in. Tempers get frayed, people try to block the overtakers, the overtakers try and force their way in.. purple fits, fist waving, fights in the hard shoulder, horn honking.... just like a friggin playschool

David Jenkins - 24/3/07 at 11:25 PM

Originally posted by Mark Allanson
just like a friggin playschool

So... just like this forum lately!