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You are what you eat
BenB - 9/1/07 at 06:46 PM

Gillian McKeith is back on tv again! Yey. Does she-

JoelP - 9/1/07 at 07:25 PM

i feel bad, i voted and ive never even heard of her. Then again, most people on telly are ****s

Peteff - 9/1/07 at 07:58 PM

That's why I don't eat cabbage I only watched her once and I thought " Christ some people will do anything for money ". No way would you get me to prod through a sample of somebody else's sh!te, I wouldn't even poke through my own.

BenB - 9/1/07 at 10:09 PM

Unexpedited crapola.
The whole examining faeces is so middle ages darling!! Seriously, she's bringing nutrition back to the middle ages... She'll be talking about green and yellow biles soon....

At the end of the day if someones a biffer the choices come down to

a) Eating less
b) Doing more exercise
c) Being happy with being overweight

Living with a regime of only eating blueberries on Tuesdays and 4.2% fat content on Wednesdays is not only artifically complicated it's also a load of codswallop..... Yes it may work, but only because the artifically constrained diet just happens to be low callory- the rest is pure b@ll@cks.

I like food and I get pissed that she prevents people from enjoying food by saying the only way they can stay fit / slim is by eating a completely bogus and artificial diet.... The fact that she got prosecuted recently just re-inforces the fact that she spouts as much poo as she examines

Oh well, don't get me on Michael van Stratten and his Super F'ing Juices. Most of his pseudo-scientific advice is bogus bollocks, some of it is actually medically dangerous. Shame "nutritionists" aren't regulated. Otherwise, I'd soon give the regulators enough evidence to get them both struck off!!!! Hohum....

DIY Si - 9/1/07 at 10:47 PM

Agreed, load of ar$e. Why stop people eating the few things they like, and making life a misery for them? I'm not the slimmest of people, but I'm happy with a few extra pounds of beer in me! And I'd look like a golf club if I was thin anyways, what with size 13 feet!

JoelP - 9/1/07 at 10:51 PM

i choose to eat a lot and work hard to avoid putting on weight. I only gained about a kilo in 3 months til now. Someone people starve, some go to the gym every day, the rest are either lucky or fat.

I despise all these crap diets. A health attitude is all you need, just dont be a greedy bastard and you will be fine!

Syd Bridge - 10/1/07 at 09:35 AM

After 50+ years of battling my weight, I've only recently discovered that I have an inherited problem with flour. If I don't eat anything with wheat flour,( and particularly flour that's had yeast in it) the weight starts to come off. A lot of people have similar sensitivities with differring foods, but are never aware of them.

Then the other side of the story my nephew, uni degree and all, was refused by the RAF, because he was underweight, and couldn't get up to minimum however much he tried. A mate of my son is now going through basic training at Sandhurst, and reckons he'll be borderline at the end, no matter how much he eats.

We are the way God made us, Like it or not!


If I can get down to 90kg's, the locost and me will only be 15kg overweight!!

[Edited on 10/1/07 by Syd Bridge]

macnab - 10/1/07 at 09:41 AM

maybe gods overweight also...

graememk - 10/1/07 at 10:24 AM

i'm fat i eat loads and drink to much

i'll diet when i cant get in the indy

macnab - 10/1/07 at 10:36 AM

is it a wide body one...

macnab - 11/1/07 at 12:15 AM

Eddie Hitler what are you doing here!? Rescued attachment eddi.jpg
Rescued attachment eddi.jpg