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Who wants this as I've got to much already
omega 24 v6 - 11/12/06 at 07:31 PM

As I've discovered lately I'm a very rich man (good freinds and enough money, almost, to build a locost).
So imagine will you the worry I had on recieving this email. Should I keep it or give it away?? As it's xmas I thought the spirited thing to do would be to offer it to some of my less well endowed builder freinds.

Mr. Richard Khoza.
Director of Projects
Department of Minerals & Energy
Pretoria South Africa.
Fax: +27- 86 516 9900
Fax: +27- 86 516 9351

Attention: President/CEO

I write, asking for your indulgence in re-profiling funds to tune of Fifty
Million, Eight Hundred Thousand United States Dollars(US$52.8M) which we
want kept safely overseas under your supervision.

In other words, we would like you to receive the said funds on our behalf.
The Funds were derived over time from a project awarded to a foreign firm
by my Department, and presently the actual contract cost have been paid to
the original project executors, leaving the balance in the tune of the
said amount which we have in principle obtained approval to remit

Kindly pardon the use of a medium as informal as this for reaching out to
you to make a request of great importance to us.

Currently, I work as a Director of Projects at the Department of Minerals
& Energy here in Pretoria South Africa. I have the authority and approval
of my partners involved in this transaction to negotiate a suitable
compensation for your participation and I propose 32.2 percent for you,
while we also propose that we receive 56.6 percent and 11.2 percent are
earmarked for purposes of taxation and other expenses.

This endeavor has a minimal risk factor on your part provided you treat it
with the utmost discretion. You are advised to reach me through my private
fax for more information.

I am available via fax to discuss further with you. I kindly wait to hear
from you.

Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Richard Khoza.

NOTE: Please dont reply to this email address for security reasons.
Contact me via my private Fax +27 86 516 9900 or +27 86

516 9351

[Edited on 11/12/06 by omega 24 v6]

t.j. - 12/12/06 at 07:33 AM

yeh right,

Don't get involved!
It will prob. cost your bank account and your money.

macnab - 12/12/06 at 08:53 AM

Yeah I've heard of this scam before, guys out in Africa were (probably still are) doing this. If I remember correctly the whole point is to get your account details. Went something like 'I'm some unrightfully deposed leader with rather a lot of cash I just don’t know what to do with and I'd like you, Mr anonymous E-mail person to help me stash it somewhere and if you help me I’ll give you a cut, oh by the way could you send me your bank details...' Apparently quite a lot off people fell for this, ha ha greedy little s$%ts serves them right!!

macnab - 12/12/06 at 09:27 AM

Mr. Richard Khoza.
Director of Projects
Department of Minerals & Energy
Pretoria South Africa.
Fax: +27- 86 516 9900
Fax: +27- 86 516 9351

Attention: President/CEO

I write, asking for your indulgence in re-profiling funds to tune of Fifty
Million, Eight Hundred Thousand United States Dollars(US$52.8M) which we
want kept safely overseas under your supervision. (are you sure, have you seen me with cash?!?!?!)

In other words, we (who) would like you (who me?) to receive the said funds on our behalf (oh how nice of them)
The Funds were derived over time from a project awarded to a foreign firm (who Willy Wonka?)
by my Department, and presently the actual contract cost have been paid to
the original project executors, leaving the balance in the tune of the
said amount (yes please don’t go over it again) which we have in principle obtained approval to remit
overseas. (you what? and they put you in charge of a department?!)

Kindly pardon the use of a medium (woo spooky) as informal as this for reaching out to
you to make a request of great importance to us.

Currently, I work as a Director of Projects at the Department of Minerals
& Energy here in Pretoria South Africa. (come on did you just make that up???) I have the authority and approval (not for long…)
of my partners involved in this transaction to negotiate a suitable
compensation for your participation and I propose 32.2 percent ($17 M, how generous) for you,
while we also propose that we receive 56.6 percent and 11.2 percent are
earmarked for purposes of taxation and other expenses.

This endeavor has a minimal risk (loss of all your money simply staggering bills and new links to all sorts of criminal naughtiness) factor on your part provided you treat it
with the utmost discretion (i.e don’t tell the police…). You are advised to reach me through my private
fax for more information (oh god how hush hush).

I am available via fax (what an effective way to communicate) to discuss further with you. I kindly wait to hear
from you. (please send a fax off your butt)

Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Richard Khoza.

NOTE: Please dont reply to this email address for security reasons (what and like my e-mails more secure???).
Contact me via my private Fax +27 86 516 9900 or +27 86

516 9351 (I say again send a fax of your butt…)

benji106 - 13/12/06 at 01:17 PM

I think it was disgraceful of you to post something like that on a public forum.

Mr Kohza clearly stated you should treat this with the utmost discretion.