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When is your deathday?
Fatgadget - 4/4/06 at 12:10 AM

Apparently you will die on this day.

omega0684 - 4/4/06 at 12:19 AM

im too scared......................

donut - 4/4/06 at 06:36 AM

Apparently i'll be 86 when i croak it so i'm happy with that!

DorsetStrider - 4/4/06 at 09:10 AM

Well apparently I'm already dead....

Think I'd better go for a lie down.

Lightning - 4/4/06 at 11:50 AM

Apparently I will die at the ripe old age of 96.
O god, I think I might have to start smoking.

iscmatt - 4/4/06 at 12:03 PM

Year 2082 - thats alot of seconds!!

[Edited on 4/4/06 by iscmatt]

Benzine - 4/4/06 at 12:35 PM

Mine was 2039

Originally posted by iscmatt
Year 2082 - thats alot of seconds!!

Is that a seven in GTA in your avatar? How who when what?

bob - 4/4/06 at 12:59 PM

I died in june 1991 about the time i got back together with an old girlfriend who i later married, might be somthing in that

Scotty - 4/4/06 at 02:46 PM

nice one bob

apparently i'm going to die on a saturday - i bet its going to be the kebab that does it!!!!
(or the 8 pints of stella )

welderman - 4/4/06 at 03:26 PM

Originally posted by donut
Apparently i'll be 86 when i croak it so i'm happy with that!

Me too see you down there.

DIY Si - 4/4/06 at 04:52 PM

I too will be 86! Unless I become a pessimist, in which case I die when I'm 42! If I become saddistic I'll only make it to 37 Best get building

ned - 4/4/06 at 05:30 PM

i'll be 97 apparantly, cool.

bob - 4/4/06 at 05:35 PM

did it properly this time and dropped the saddistic and put normal, may 9th 2041 so at least i'll get stoneleigh show in

flak monkey - 4/4/06 at 05:44 PM

Originally posted by Benzine
Is that a seven in GTA in your avatar? How who when what?

Go here and have a hunt in the modifications files:;993;/Software_Information.html

Simon - 5/4/06 at 12:01 AM

If I quit smoking and have a sex change, I'll live another 12 years (to 2045)



MikeRJ - 6/4/06 at 06:18 PM

Clucking Bell...only got 12 years left to finish the Locost...I'm not gonna make it

Very odd as my familly is the longest lived I know of! My great grandmother was 103 (and smoked like a chimney, drank like a fish!), one grandad was 95 when he passed away and the other is still working on his farm and playing with cars at 89.

steve_gus - 6/4/06 at 06:39 PM

what a load of shyte.

keep clicking on it and it gives you a different date each time. putting my stuff in as a pessimist im gonna die between 50 and 53 - 6 years from now.

say optimistic, and im gonna be 93.

yeah right.



Peteff - 6/4/06 at 07:03 PM

I hate these things. Rescued attachment HANDclock.jpg
Rescued attachment HANDclock.jpg