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"O" I love you!
Rorty - 26/9/05 at 04:57 AM

There's a company in Sweden called Locum AB, which owns and manages nursing homes and other medical businesses. Locum decided to place an ad in a newspaper to celebrate Christmas and the up-coming New Year.
The copywriter at the ad agency suggested "Why not replace the "o" in Locum with a heart. You know, all sort of cuddly?"

The coolest thing was the comment from Locum's boss when the papers interviewed him about the faux pas. "Ah, well, these things happen and if it helps to fill our maternity wards we don't mind." Moral of the story...never trust those media people. Rescued attachment locum.jpg
Rescued attachment locum.jpg

Cita - 26/9/05 at 03:58 PM