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How Americans view the British (ws)
carcentric - 31/5/05 at 05:17 PM

flak monkey - 31/5/05 at 05:19 PM

Hehehe Dilbert always makes me smile...

[Edited on 31/5/05 by flak monkey]

stephen_gusterson - 31/5/05 at 10:24 PM

i have been to america about 15 times, and just once have I had a nice looking waitress ask me to talk to her again cos she liked my accent

I once asked a colleague out there why there seemed at the time to be a lot of english presenters on cable shopping channels. I was told it was english people are trusted.

dodgy philosophy!



Simon - 31/5/05 at 11:11 PM

When my bro was in the States, he was asked (no less than THREE times), where he learnt to speak English!!!!!!!!!!!



Cita - 1/6/05 at 05:12 AM

Originally posted by Simon
When my bro was in the States, he was asked (no less than THREE times), where he learnt to speak English!!!!!!!!!!!

They asked me the same but in the negative sence!

stephen_gusterson - 1/6/05 at 09:02 AM

when i was in california 8 years ago, nearly everyone that hears a non american accent in english assumed me to be australian.

I blame it on crocodile dundee!



James - 1/6/05 at 12:30 PM

A friend of mine spent a year there for part of her degree. She reckoned that American men found her accent intimidating but the girlies loved her male friends English accents.
One of her English mates went home with 2 cheerleaders on his first night there!

I'll book my flight now...

flak monkey - 1/6/05 at 01:06 PM

Originally posted by James
...but the girlies loved her male friends English accents.
One of her English mates went home with 2 cheerleaders on his first night there!

I'll book my flight now...

Reminds me of Love Actually....

DorsetStrider - 2/6/05 at 10:46 AM

Having been single for far too long now I have just one question..........

Can anyone give me directions to America in my Locost?lol

David Jenkins - 2/6/05 at 10:54 AM

Straight on from Land's End, Cornwall!


stephen_gusterson - 2/6/05 at 09:29 PM

according to my daily express world wall map, you would end up in nicaragua or the dominican republic



JoelP - 2/6/05 at 09:36 PM

gotta go right at barbados

DorsetStrider - 2/6/05 at 10:38 PM

Is it sign posted?

Maybe I could ask this friendly fish directions.....

At least I think he's friendly..... he's got a great big grin!

phelpsa - 2/6/05 at 10:46 PM

Originally posted by DorsetStrider
Is it sign posted?

Maybe I could ask this friendly fish directions.....

At least I think he's friendly..... he's got a great big grin!

Is he english, thats the way to tell

mangogrooveworkshop - 5/6/05 at 09:59 PM

Originally posted by DorsetStrider
Having been single for far too long now I have just one question..........

Can anyone give me directions to America in my Locost?lol
turn left at Greenland John said

Peteff - 5/6/05 at 11:35 PM

If it wasn't for continental drift you could have got there in your locost via the Baring Straits. If you took snow chains you could drive across them when frozen and get to Alaska, then drive down North America.
Not really feasible though.

indykid - 6/6/05 at 07:24 PM

if he waits a while, there'll be a bridge for him across the bearing straits.

surely that'll make the whole journey a piece of piss

the JoKeR - 15/6/05 at 12:53 AM

Originally posted by stephen_gusterson
I once asked a colleague out there why there seemed at the time to be a lot of english presenters on cable shopping channels. I was told it was english people are trusted.

Here's my take on why that is:
1: It's been hundreds of years since we've had all-out war with each other. There have been differeing oppinions, but it all works out in the end. In all of our lifetimes, we've always been allies.
2: The shared language (98% of it, at least) sure helps. Nobody trusts interpreters!
3. We still sort of feel bad for kicking your soldiers out back in 1781. In our defense, they DID overstay their welcome. We're trying to make up for it a bit now.
4. The accent is just plain cute.
5. It's really a conspiracy. We're waiting until the time is right before letting lose our ultimate secret weapon - some weird chemical compound found in Paris Hilton's panties (knickers, to you... see#2).

steve_gus - 15/6/05 at 07:06 PM

personally, i think knickers is a much sexyer word than panties.


i wear neither



Dave Ashurst - 15/6/05 at 08:22 PM


i have been to america about 15 times, and just once have I had a nice looking waitress ask me to talk to her again cos she liked my accent

I went ONCE and had about 15 nice looking waitresses ask me that. Groovy, baby! AND I was wearing underpants.

Better check your technique Steve

steve_gus - 15/6/05 at 10:09 PM

must have been when you were a puppy



Peteff - 15/6/05 at 11:02 PM

Too much information there man. Does that mean you get your skidmarks straight onto your trousers?

steve_gus - 16/6/05 at 10:11 PM

i can confirm i deffo dont wear ladies undergarments

other than that, im just gonna be a tease



mangogrooveworkshop - 18/6/05 at 10:06 AM

Aint gonna make more friends Rescued attachment The world map according to Americans!.jpg
Rescued attachment The world map according to Americans!.jpg

flak monkey - 18/6/05 at 10:10 AM

Thats brilliant..hehehe

Peteff - 18/6/05 at 10:23 AM

That's not American, neighbours is spelt right .

Hellfire - 18/6/05 at 01:04 PM

Very good

pbura - 18/6/05 at 02:40 PM

Originally posted by Peteff
That's not American, neighbours is spelt right .

Probably a Communist plot

derf - 19/6/05 at 02:30 PM

Actually It's quite accurate, the only thing is that near cuba should be more islands with vacation spots, and hawaii isnt represented, also south east asia should have a tag explaining that they genetically produce geniuses there.

Oh yeh I love the accent, since Ive been on this board I started to ask what part the accent is from after they humor me by speaking.