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teach them from a young age
macspeedy - 10/5/05 at 08:04 PM

how old do you have to be to own a gun?

Cita - 10/5/05 at 08:07 PM

How old do you have to be to have children?

stephen_gusterson - 10/5/05 at 08:12 PM

about 12 i think.



Cita - 10/5/05 at 08:16 PM

mangogrooveworkshop - 10/5/05 at 09:11 PM

Russ-Turner - 12/5/05 at 07:26 AM

U...S...A.........U...S...A...........U...S...A..........U...S...A.........U...S...A...........U...S....A........U...S...A.......U...S...A!! (etc)

andkilde - 12/5/05 at 01:19 PM

Originally posted by Russ-Turner
U...S...A.........U...S...A...........U...S...A..........U...S...A.........U...S...A...........U...S....A........U...S...A.......U...S...A!! (etc)

Ooooh, errrr

That's more than a little creepy juxtaposed with Schunazi...

scotty g - 13/5/05 at 06:30 AM

Goddamn trailer trash i say!

andkilde - 13/5/05 at 02:03 PM

Originally posted by scotty g
Goddamn trailer trash i say!


That's barely scratching the surface of trailer trash -- the kid has clothes on and I didn't see three week old gray smears running down from each nostril -- heck, given the current political climate that kid could grow up to be president

Cheers, Ted

Cita - 13/5/05 at 03:59 PM

Originally posted by Russ-Turner
U...S...A.........U...S...A...........U...S...A..........U...S...A.........U...S...A...........U...S....A........U...S...A.......U...S...A!! (etc)

Your Avtar looks like uncle Adolf's great grandson

white130d - 15/5/05 at 11:36 PM

Where the hell do you guys keep findin my home movies?


stevebubs - 15/5/05 at 11:43 PM

Originally posted by Cita
How old do you have to be to have children?

What do you call a 27year old Chavette?


Cita - 16/5/05 at 05:16 AM

Originally posted by stevebubs
Originally posted by Cita
How old do you have to be to have children?

What do you call a 27year old Chavette?


Dunno what the hell a Chavette is but it surely does'nt sound good!

indykid - 16/5/05 at 02:52 PM

this is a chavette, incase you don't have them in belgium. look, halfway to being a grandma, or perhaps just fat

it surely isn't good

tom Rescued attachment chavette.jpg
Rescued attachment chavette.jpg

indykid - 16/5/05 at 02:53 PM

oh, and here's another, carrying half a locost chassis on her teeth.

appologies all brace wearers, i'm sure yours aren't this bad.

tom Rescued attachment chavette2.jpg
Rescued attachment chavette2.jpg

Cita - 16/5/05 at 06:54 PM

If those are Chavette's,we have plenty

indykid - 16/5/05 at 08:05 PM


i was hoping we could shift some of ours to Belgium

never mind

flak monkey - 16/5/05 at 08:09 PM

I had some 'fun' with some Chavs the other day...theres 100s round here and they all have big mouths and not many brain cells (if any)...

Walking down from Tescos to campus two litle chavs (both about 12 and the local talent obviously) on bikes come cycling past. The smallest of the 2 slows down and turns around and says to me 'I'll spit in your face', charming thinks me, and how intelligent! He spits and totally misses, as he is not looking where he is going he crashes his bike into the curb and nearly fell off...Haha. Obviously it would have been even better if he had fallen right off, but it was still some entertainment. Anyway if he had fallen off I would have picked up his bike (a little BMX) and chucked it in the dyke (all full of nettles) for furthur entertainment purposes. Anyway they biked off shouting 'Goth, goth, goth' (they evidently have no idea what a Goth is...nor do a lot of people) and leaving me thinking about the wonders of youthfull chavness (though the older ones arent much better) and how intelligent they must feel...

What is it with those people? I dont tend to respond to them at the time, and take the course of ignoring them, unless they come up to me and address me directly.


[Edited on 16/5/05 by flak monkey]