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Best laugh I've had in ages
NigeEss - 18/11/13 at 11:32 AM

For a couple of weeks now there's been a funny smell in our under stairs coat cupboard. Thought it was either
a gas leak or something dead in there as the cats have been known to bring playmates in. No gas leak and I
couldn't find any corpses so in went an air freshener and forgot about it.

This rainy morning, wifey takes out her trusty wax jacket, dons it and went out.

Five mins later she rings me in a state of disgust and upset..... she'd flipped the hood up to have a decaying
mouse bounce off her head.

I laughed so much I couldn't speak

For some reason she slammed the phone down

whitestu - 18/11/13 at 11:43 AM

I was the same when my wife was going upstairs in our old house and encountered a mouse coming down stairs. I was laughing so much it nearly got away!

nick205 - 18/11/13 at 12:36 PM

Might be worth having the dinner ready when she gets back

Jon Ison - 18/11/13 at 12:53 PM

its posts like that that have me looking for the like button, thanks for the lunchtime smile.